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🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

I was able to get pictures of another beautiful mama bird while on the way to feed her little ones in the nest.  This bird is the Eastern Phoebe.  She has one of the prettiest songs you'll ever hear.  In a few of the pics, you can even see the food in her mouth.  I was able to count at least 3 little ones in the nest.












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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

This is why I love Springtime..........All the new babies born to wildlife..........Heart

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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

She's so beautiful!

You have a wonderland of nature there!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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ird callsRe: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

The "P" song drove my hubby crazy until he bought a tape of bird calls.   YEA


A whistle with a high note range at the end of each segment.  

Usually stay hidden in the woods - RARE TO SEE THEM.

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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

@cheriere did you ever get the Merlin app installed and working? 

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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦



Wanted to post to let you know I appreciate all the beautiful pics with descriptions you post. It would be nice to walk through nature like you can. Keep posting I'm looking at your posts just not replying. Love the pics. I want some of those strawberries.

DH ran to the store. I told him to pick up some organic strawberries, red grapes   & watermelon.

Also wanted to tell you the story of the Woodpeckers around here. One that had been working on the hole showed up when 2 little birds were inside? I heard wings fluttering to look up & see 1 bird fly out while the other got caught inside. The woodpecker pecked a few times but wasn't leaving. I bet that litte bird was scared. After about 30 mins I got up picked up a little rock so I could throw it up the tree. LOL!!! When I did that the woodpecker took off & the little bird flew out. I looked up at the little bird & said I saved you. Poor little bird.


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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

Great photos!  You're quite the photographer, @cheriere .  Our son gets Phoebes on his porch.  He lives in a forested area in Southern Illinois.  

Our three little robins have flown the nest, I wish them well and hope they flourish out in the big world.

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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

@Nightowlz  That's the kind of story that keeps me going.  Thank you!

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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

@Nightowlz Woodpeckers can be such a nuisance.  Last week our neighbor had to replace his outdoor security cameras because of woodpeckers pecking holes in them, and the action all caught live. 

Me, I am just annoyed they keep draining my hummingbird feeders. 

Loves your story.

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Re: 🐦 Beautiful Bird Eastern Phoebe 🐦

@cheriere   Look at the babies!  How cool is that?