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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

@Poodlepet2  I can understand your feelings.  I'd probably feel the same way.  But, you must know that if an emergency really is on your doorstep, you will put your family and emergency aid workers in harms way while trying to help you.


Do you have family members or friends who do not live in the immediate area who would be willing to let you stay for a few days?


I had to go and stay with my Mom's sister during the Three Mile Island accident.  My family would not let me stay home, but I so wanted to.  I was pregnant and had two children...6 mos and 5 years of age.  We all went, but DH stayed home.  He was a first responder.


I fought it, but when it was over, I was happy.  I got to really know my Aunt and her husband.  They were so kind to me and my children.


i still think of all of the sugar in my Aunts's spaghetti sauce and I can still  her dipping Italian bread, smeared with butter and grape jelly into that sauce.  Gross, but a great memory.  ( My mother and her family was not Italian, but my father was)

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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

The Earth is 4.6 Billion plus or minius years does what IT wants to......we are nothing more than flies  on a pile of 💩.  Unimportant.  Nothing is strange or different....Earth Changes go one year after year after year....,we are  nothing more than a spec in time.....a moment.....a forgotten thought. Here today, gone tomorrow.  The Earth will survive.  To think we are so important to wipe out the Earth is comical.   The Earth will wipe us out.  That is what it does. 

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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

The storms are stacking up like planes on a runway!

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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia


@SeaMaiden wrote:

The Earth is 4.6 Billion plus or minius years does what IT wants to......we are nothing more than flies  on a pile of 💩.  Unimportant.  Nothing is strange or different....Earth Changes go one year after year after year....,we are  nothing more than a spec in time.....a moment.....a forgotten thought. Here today, gone tomorrow.  The Earth will survive.  To think we are so important to wipe out the Earth is comical.   The Earth will wipe us out.  That is what it does. 

@That is scary to think about but but it seems to bare truth.The USA has so many weather problems this year that are causing a lot of destruction.

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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

[ Edited ]



What concerns me lots is that people are saying that they are having a hard time thinking.

This must be normal for ones facing devastating trauma.

We have friends ( they are young women with kids) who have said it is hard to think. (Shock?)

It seems to me that you must follow your heart @Poodlepet2 but if you are a medical evacuee it might be best to go. ? 



~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

@Poodlepet2 wrote:

I haven't left yet, I really don't want to leave DH and DS. Spoke with EOC: there are shelters with generators. I'm a "medical evacuee" on Oxygen and CPAP , A- Fib, Diabetes. Auto-immune disease-and neurologic problems.... I just can't bring myself to leave....

I am much calmer now than I was a few hours ago, but I am now at peace......I don't want to be apart from DH and DS....

I know emotionally I am all over the map.....please don't call me crazy down the road here.

In this situation, there are no easy answers-ever....

One of my problems have been that DH tells me one thing (his opinion-but he really is not all-knowing-as much as he thinks he is).....and son-who really should be a lawyer-sees both sides-but leaves,me with no answers.

I am in such a fugue....I have to confess, my brain is not up to par-at this point, I am not rationally synthesizing anything....

And yes-I said earlier I am at peace with what EOC told me...and then I'm at odds too....


Dear Adonai- get us all through this...this has an eastern track-Georgia, the Carolinas on upward.....

What the.....

Loves and Hugs,


@Poodlepet2  You'll be fine.  You prep as much as you can and then you let others and a higher power if you believe in that take care of the rest.  Sounds like you've done all of  that.  Listen to the radio and your local authorities.  They will never steer you wrong and next week this time, hopefully, Irma will be a lingering memory and life resumes as we all know it.  


You have a lot of prayers and people thinking of you and your neighbors.  As I said before Harvey, those affected will have more help than you all know what to do with before, during, and after this storm.


Stop the stress and do something fun.  A movie, a game, a candlelit lunch or dinner for practice just in case,  start that scrapbook, clean out that closet, etc to get all the nervous energy out.  That stress will hurt you worse physically than this storm probably will.  And if all else fails, go to bed and rest up before the storm potentially keeps you up all night.


You'll be fine!  Heart

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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

I am booked for a cruise leaving October 14th, I pray things are calm!!!!

Happiness is ALWAYS an inside job,
Don't assign anyone else that much POWER
in your life!!!
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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

The entire meteorologic picture looks frightening to me. I am praying for everyone in harms way.

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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

@Sugipine wrote:

The entire meteorologic picture looks frightening to me. I am praying for everyone in harms way.




You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: As if Harvey/Irma weren't enough, now Jose & Katia

It's hurricane season.  It happens every year.  We don't a get a Harvey or Katrina every year or even every 10 years but hurricanes hit somewhere every year.  No point in worrying about them until you know you have something to worry about.  And that's 6 or 7 days now which is plenty of time to prepare or leave.