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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

Hopefully this sicko will be off the streets permanently Woman Frustrated

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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

@Babyfran wrote:

Mindy D, thank you for explaining the belt buckle. 

@Babyfran @It's his grandfather, though, that was William. So it must have been his grandfather's belt.

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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

Thank you Mindy D for clarifying that. I was definitely Rex's ..... ugh.

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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

[ Edited ]

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:



How awful!  It must have been a terrible time for friends and family.   How long did it take before he was arrested and charged?


I don't even know how a woman could stay with someone ...  but women sometimes look the other way when the hubs is molesting little ones, and they do nothing.  I just don't get it.

It didn't take long for the Detectives to figure out who murdered my girlfriend. Because he dumped her body on the roof of the apartment building next to where he lived. But just talking to people the Detectives knew that they had the right guy. He tried to murder another woman the same way but she got away.

He was tried for her murder BUT they were ready to let him out of jail on a technicality. Her poor Mother and Sister were both basket cases.

PS "Parole officer  saw the TV report, recognized the address, and informed the Precinct; also, "a veteran detective, tipped Assistant D.A. to the news."

The murder was August 19. The body was found August 20 or 21, (had to identify who she was, she was nude with a necklace and bracelet) the "guy" was arrested August 24.

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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

What an incredible series of events, @drizzellla .   Beyond horrible.  Also, how fortunate at least for the other woman he targeted who got away before being murdered.  Did you ever hear how she managed that?

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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

@Oznell wrote:

What an incredible series of events, @drizzellla .   Beyond horrible.  Also, how fortunate at least for the other woman he targeted who got away before being murdered.  Did you ever hear how she managed that?

Yes, there was a TV show about my girlfriend's murder. The weekend before she was murdered another girlfriend was married. So the 3 of us were together. 


When they were filming the TV show about the murder, they interviewed my girlfriend who's wedding we attended. She told me to watch the show and all about what wasn't shown.


They interviewed the "girl that got away" in the TV show. This guy had "classes" and supposedly connections. So he "helped" his students get acting or commercial jobs. So on occasion he would call up a "student" from his class and say he had an audition lined up for them. And he would have them come over to his apartment and go over more of the details about the audition. He would tell the "students" what they were looking for regarding the job.

The "girl that got away" said when she walked into the apartment it was fine and then started getting "off subject". He walked into another room and she darted out of the apartment.

I can't help but think, "HE" learned. And when he did the same act with my girlfriend, he didn't walk into another room.

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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

@drizzellla wrote:

@DottieBlue wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:


Whenever I see articles about long time serial killers that have families I always wonder .....  didn't his wife suspect anything was "off" about her husband?  




I always wondered the same thing. 


Watch the true crime series "Evil Lives Here."  They interview close family members of those who commited horrific crimes.  And they usually did not have a clue about what their family member did until they were arrested.


My girlfriend was murdered by a guy. His wife was expected home later in the day. So after he murdered my friend, he placed my girlfriend's body under their bed. And the body stayed there until he was able to throw my girlfriend's body onto the roof of the apartment building next door. 

He had murdered a young woman previously and completed a 5 year 6 month prison term. He was paroled, having been described as a "model prisoner." Just 14 months after his release from prison, and still married to his wife of 14 years, he murdered my girlfriend. After serving only part of his sentence for the second murder a technical error was poised to set him free again on parole.

So his wife knew he was a murderer but she stayed with the guy?!?!?!? I can't help but think a wife suspected something isn't right but it is easier not to confront their husband with their concerns. And as long as their lives are OK, they keep their mouth shut.




OMG!!!  How horrible!  I am so sorry this happened to your friend and for your loss of a girlfriend.


I will never understand why the wife stayed with that monster.  She could have gotten away from him while he was in prison.  She must have been brainwashed by him and believed he was innocent.  I wondered if she stayed after the second murder? 


If he murdered again while on parole, THAT at least should have been enough to send him back to prison.  Did he get sent back to prison for the second murder?  I hope so and I hope he rots there.




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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

@DottieBlue wrote:

 I wondered if she stayed after the second murder? 

I do not know. I do know she was still married and living with him after murder #1.

@DottieBlue  wrote:   If he murdered again while on parole, THAT at least should have been enough to send him back to prison.  Did he get sent back to prison for the second murder?  I hope so and I hope he rots there.

He agreed to plead guilty and accept a sentence of fifteen years to life.BUT after serving only part of his sentence for the second murder a technical error was poised to set him free again on parole.


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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

Police have found over 200 guns in his house so far, and he only had permits for 92 of them.

Over 200 guns, incomprehensible
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Re: Arrest in the Long Island Serial Killer Case.

@Greeneyedlady21  So where did the other firearms come rom? 

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