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Yes, I would say I am. I like fashion, jewelry, cosmetics, nice manis and pedis, decorating my home. So... If those are the qualities one looks for in defining femininity, I fit the description.
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I am definitely feminine. I was a tomboy growing up always on bikes, skateboards or horses. I really didn't like boys until I was 16 or 17. Now, I dress casual mostly in jeans, tees & sneakers as I retired in a mountain resort area. I wear simple jewelry (no costume), love makeup and handbags.

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Feminine in my view is petite, curvy, graceful, beautiful hair always styled. High heels and perfume. Not overly muscular. Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth. Few stars today seem feminine. Most have a hard edge.

I love clothes and jewelry and handbags but I never decorate or garden. I cook and I like perfume but MU is hit or miss. I keep my hair very long but I never fuss with curls or hairdos. Maybe sporty fashionista girly?

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Registered: ‎12-09-2011
Totally girly-girl here!
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The way I'm sprawled on the chair right now, not so much. I wear jeans every day but love any opportunity to get all dolled up.
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Registered: ‎04-10-2012
Definitely girly , hair, mu, jewelry,lots of girly dresses and shoes,but I don't mess around when it comes to working outdoors hauling things in my pickup , getting dirty and sweaty and doing the tough jobs either.
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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Funny .... growing up, my mother was a pink ruffles and charm bracelet woman ....... but it seemed like an act ... too contrived and artificial. It was as if this is how she was told to behave, so that's what she did.

It took me a while in my teens and 20's to define what "feminine" meant to me, but I am a lover of makeup, jewelry, and have a personal style that brings compliments. I'm a woman, not a girl. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

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I have always been very lady and classic with a splash of color or something.......use hankies, used to wear gloves in the summer going to church or a wedding or funeral........handbag and I wear sparkle sandals and natural sandals and I wear just a look of put together.......and with my jewelry I match........but I am casual like nice jeans but a beautiful top.......I love scarves and pins.........I am my own style yet people like it but most important I wear what I like........I think a beautiful top and jeans and nice shoes and jewelry.........scarf handbag......time to go shopping or walking in stores or flea markets........Always wearing lip gloss and lipstick.........I have never been a tom boy.......loved being a girl and lady since I was of me at three in a pose and I had a handbag and I still love my handbags.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
I loved my little pony. :-D