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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

It's a rare day that I am so busy that I don't have some time to get on the internet.  But most people also find time to watch a little television each day, and I don't see a difference.

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

I am on the net only if I have nothing better to do! I agree, it's becoming a very big problem for many people! When it first became popular I begged my dh NOT to bring it in our home. Yes, I DO understand its educational value, but I also know first hand how dangerous it can be as well! My children were always open and honest with me about everything. So, when my dh won, and in came the Internet, I foolishly let my ds have a computer in his room. My dh used the one in the kitchen ad nauseum, so it was the only way my ds could use it for school. After a while I noticed my ds had changed. He was quiet, seemed depressed, and stopped wanting to go to his best friend's house as much.  After he nearly had a breakdown, I needed to know what the problem was. I had to really pry, but eventually, he told me that his friend had gotten him hooked on porn! He was not much more than a child, being about the age boys are when girls stop being yucky! But, apparently, while viewing one time he stumbled across some child porn! That is what did him in!  When I tried to speak to my dh about it, he blew it off as kid stuff. Well, let me tell you, that "kid stuff" stayed with him for nearly 20 years until he was able to seek help from a therapist. My dh is so addicted to his Facebook account that I'm surprised his laptop hasn't grown into his body! I'm not smug enough to say that's ALL my dh does on it, but it's out in the open so I imagine if he were on other sites he wouldn't do them in front of me! FB is bad enough! I feel like it has invaded our lives! I run into odd people who know things about me I had no idea anyone else knew! I realize that it is unreasonable to think even I could live now without it, but given how easy it has made so many horrific crimes, I can't help but wish it had never been invented!

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

I'd say in the past five years, there hasn't been a single day when I haven't at least quickly checked my email and looked at Facebook. 


even when there have been power outages....I can get online with my phone 

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

if i've been out and it's been a very long day, i will only check my email, if that.

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

Only if I'm so sick I want to die and I'm begging my family to put me out of my misery. 😷😁

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

@Moonchilde@SeaMaiden. After my recent rant against the Internet and its evils, I do want to give time to the good side, if you'll permit me! I took a bad fall at work 4 years ago and was badly injured. I was bedridden for 4 months and was house bound for nearly 21/2 years more. During that time I discovered Ancestry! It kept me sane while having to remain motionless. The net also allowed me to do my own Christmas shopping and to research my condition for myself. During that time I realized how helpful the Internet could be for children who are confined to beds or wheel chairs. I know it has allowed for medicine to advance leap years faster than it would have, and there are countless other benefits it has to offer. So, like most things in life, I think those who use the Internet need to do it responsibly. By that I mean we all need to be aware of what we should and should not do while using it. Early on, my dh, now a retired COP, opened a message telling him EBay was updating his account. It looked legit, I will admit, but he gave over all his person info! Granted, that was very early on when scams were not a well known problem ( but yes, he should have known better!) and it looked very official, but we were very lucky we had no real problems because of it. It would be my suggestion that everyone take an Internet safety course. Along with all the benefits police can pass info between departments as fast as we can speak (or they can type) but laws are broken as easily and quickly. Like the problem I mention my ds encountered, children are being victimized more now, possibly due to the great audience the net provides to perverts who like this illegal for of "entertainment". Hard core porn films are easier to make and distribute because the net offers anonymity to the creators and a difficult trail to prosecute. I get physically sick when I think how many children's lives have been completely ruined because they were forced to do these things. Women, men as well as teens who are desperate to make money, or who have run away from home, get involved with these unscrupulous people. Gambling! It has become easier to get someone addicted to gambling because now, one doesn't even have to get dressed to lose every thing they own!


Yes, I know all of these ills have always been there. I also know the Internet gives as good as it gets. Criminals are easier to track, now, in some cases. I am also fairly certain that, if one were really able to do it, we would find far more good has been created than harm by the Internet. But, I wonder if that's all not relative. If you are one of those who's lives have been destroyed by the Internet, I wonder if there is any statistic that makes you feel better? My ds was lucky. He was only injured as a byproduct of illegal activity. But, as a loving (albeit naive) mother, watching my ds live with the torment of what he saw, nearly broke me, as well. Yet, I'm sure if he were ever seriously ill and his doctor were able to save him by use of the Internet (my doc uses it constantly while I'm with him to show me info, etc.) I'm sure I'd be singing a different tune. So, in the end, it all boils down to moderation! Like the saying, everything's ok, IN moderation!

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

Probably on internet 365 days a year. I'm retired and since my computer's in my kitchen, I look up recipes and all kinds of good information on the web. It's a blessing, IMO.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

I am on daily.   Not all day, but I am.   As far as volunteer work or being productive? I have constant work around my house.  I volunteered for years and frankly I am enjoying not having to be anywhere at a specific time.  I was the only caregiver to my very sick hubby who passed in March.  I deserve a break.  I Plan on taking a break forever---LOL


It takes a lot of work to care for a house alone.  As long as I accomplish something, I feel I have been productive.   I think for people that sit on faceboook all day and night have a problem, but I am on because I am selling things on ebay, checking emails, or researching something.  I see nothing wrong with that. 



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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

I've never been an alarmist about much of anything. Even with a genuine wish to help people, many or most won't thank you for it or appreciate it. I also tend not to freak out about things generally before I verify for myself whether they are likely to be true or be exaggerations, or not.


If the likelihood of something actually being true or occurring  is low in actuality, I don't see the point in being chicken little. was thankfully created to counteract chicken littles. 

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Re: Are there any days of the week you do not get on the internet?

i wanted to add, the internet is probably my lowest priority in my life as it is now.  it kind of takes a back seat in the importance of my daily activites.