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I did join the senior center, and that was a wake-up call.


I liked playing dominoes, games, painting classes, and sometimes lunch, but it became an environment that was not to my liking.


Really, just playing a game was like playing in the sandbox. The yada, yada, and the complaining about this and that, or other people. Catty chatter. I played to play and did not care about winning but was told that attitude was wrong. Wrong maybe for them but not for me.


So many arguments between "friends". It was stressful to watch. One day I had enough got up and walked away.


I go back once in awhile for information. But I will not join.


I prefer my fantasy world, it is friendlier.

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@Allegheny wrote:

Not much in high school because I didn't have access to transportation.


When I was younger; at work I pro-active in different ventures; like our employee association, credit union and employees union. As part of my job assignment I was a member of a few committees representing my boss.


As I got older, I abandoned getting involved in social functions basically because I guess I didn't like to feel obligated.



@Allegheny   That is why I do not join anything.. Being obligated  or being involved is like working....having to be somewhere at a certain time and people expect you to wears me out. I just want to do my own thing at my own pace with NO EXPECTATIONS.  

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Normally I don't like commitments that come with joining things.  I enjoy doing things on my time schedule & not being tied per se to every Wednesday, etc.  Although, I do enjoy hosting & playing cards once a month at my home.


 The funniest thing has happened:


I'm one who just realizes I live in a "older" commmunity and HOA Boards are part of gated communities.  Doesn't really bother me because I never have any issues & like when HOA Board steps in to correct what issues there may be.


About 6 months ago the people who had been involved on the Board for 15-20 years resigned after their terms.   My friend asked me & 2 friends to run.  I was happy to be the Secretary..


Yup, you guessed it -- all 3 of us won!  Guess who was elected President - me😮😮😮.  I honestly have to say it's really been a good experience & it's too funny that people come up to me and tell me "It's so nice to have the "younger" generation on the Board".  I never took much notice of who lives here OR other people's homes but I do now!


The thought "scared" me to take on such a endeavor with no experience of being involved in a HOA Board but I'm enjoying being active in this community & the people so far have been great (or patient til I get answer) when they have a issue🙂



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I am a joiner.  I grew up in a big family and like being around others. 


I’m currently less involved in groups than in the past, but belong to a book group, several walking/hiking groups, a yoga class, and have a volunteer job in a local park. 

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I was a member of lots of groups while I was working....nothing takes the fun out of meeting than being required to be there! I have always been involved with church groups...since retiring I have been so busy with DH and grandkids that I have not been able to join or attend as many new classes as Ibwould like... it hope to get to some of them this spring.
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Not aways respected as a volunteer. And that's just pure wrong !!

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Registered: ‎02-09-2016

I also was chased away by mean people. Just seem not to like to see people happy That what I felt like. My former Pastor said to me, "Expect that when You joIn a group " No I especially didn't expect that in a church. The more I took on The worse I was treated.Was so sad for so long, even to the point of geting sick from the sadness that It brought into my life.My support for ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN THERE.