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Re: Are There Preferred Customers

@Etoile308 wrote:

@IdahoGram, you're absolutely correct. But I think people will find even b&m aren't getting in their merchandise in a timely fashion. I went to my Target the other day, where about a fifth of the shelves were empty. Back to school area seemed to have a third of the items from years past. Summer items that usually would have been on the floor three months ago was out as new stock.


I just shake my head sometimes at some people.


target at least here has always been like this, empty shelves, they run extremely lean on inventory one reason why I never really liked shopping there 




the issues with Q are a bit different IMO, if you can't ship my order let me cancel

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Re: Are There Preferred Customers

@Porcelain wrote:

@Etoile308 wrote:

Yes, there's a secret cabal of customers.

Seriously? I've not dealt with any online retailer that's hasn't experienced difficulties and delays this past year and a half. That includes Amazon. 

Guess the only difference is in how you choose to deal with it.


Shhhhhhh....Don't tell her! The first rule of super secret preferred customer club is "there is no super secret preferred customer club."

LOL! Thanks SO much for my first giggle of the day and I needed it this morning. Clogged kitchen sink but I'm laughing.

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Re: Are There Preferred Customers

If someone was a shareholder and spent many millions in stock, doubtful that even they would have a special telephone number to elbow their way and pull our breezies underwear or our new balance sneakers from our carts. 

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Re: Are There Preferred Customers

I wondered that same thing because I'm just not experiencing the delays and cancelations and all the problems that so many are having.  I buy 5 or 6 things a week, I rarely return anything and I rarely stretch the payments out.  I know I'm a preferred customer with some other companies but I'm probably just incredibly lucky when it comes to QVC.  

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Re: Are There Preferred Customers

@Just Bling wrote:



Oh please don't start judging anyone.   


This thread was to ask the question, are there preferred customers and are their orders being pulled and shipped first?  That's all.



I know when I had my business, the biggest spenders got the best service, sure you would say everyone should be treated the same but unfortunately I would pick merchandise based on dollars spent, they got priority.  You want to keep those people, they are keeping the doors open and the merchandise coming in.

But yet apparantly lower spenders (customers) are being judged because ...

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Re: Are There Preferred Customers

I thought that this was in jest. But follow-up posts indicate that the OP is actually serious.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland