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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@ Southern Bee - Hubby and I LOVE that movie and watch it every time we flip around and it's on.   Also have it recorded.

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

In addition to my full time corporate job, I volunteer teaching meditation.  Perhaps this will help....when you begin to feel anxious about this situation take a moment to focus on your breath, centering yourself.  Focus on your breathing for say, 5 complete breaths.  Is it going to cure the world of this virus?  No.  But it just might help you in the moment calm yourself a bit.  While I do not know you, @gidgetgh  I send you warm thoughts, a hug.  And to each of you who are anxious about this situation, I send you the same.  

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?



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Re: Anyone a little on edge?


Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@gidgetgh Without reading 10 pages, it might rest your mind to know that in order to get federal aide, they have to declare a state of emergency.  Please just breathe.

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

I'm still going about my usual business but just being aware of not touching doorknobs (I have OCD so I never do anyway), handles, etc.  Working at a hospital I am always washing my hands but am doing it more just in case but not freaking out about it. It is what it is.  This too shall pass. 

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

@ECBG wrote:

@gidgetgh Without reading 10 pages, it might rest your mind to know that in order to get federal aide, they have to declare a state of emergency.  Please just breathe.

@ECBG - "please just breathe"????  Who said I wasn't?  I said I'm a little on edge. Not hyperventilating for goodness sake. I actually think it's normal to be a little apprehensive as we've never been through anything like this. I never said I wasn't able to function as another poster suggested.


For goodness sake. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

[ Edited ]

No, not on edge. We went about our business today. Ran our errands, went for our walk on the beach. Lots of people out there. Kids flying kites and on the swings. People walking their dogs. We then went to our local brewery to spend money there and support a small business. We washed our hands when we got home. People just going about their day. Being aware but not freaking out or panicking.

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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

Awwww @gidgetgh, I think it would be a little unusual not to be at least a little uneasy during this time.  And you have the added stress of being a caregiver for your husband.


Maybe start to make a list of things you could do that under normal circumstances it just seems like you don't ever have the time to even get started.


You might not under ordinary circumstances think about paying for Disney plus but for the next month, maybe that is an option.  Just giving an example.  Jigsaw puzzles, put time aside to read a book?   Just trying to give several examples that even though those might not be things that appeal to you, it might cause you to think of something that does appeal to you to help pass the time.  Hang in there!  





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Re: Anyone a little on edge?

Yes @gidgetgh , you said "a little on edge"--not falling off the edge. I believe the ones that say they are not a little on edge are probably the most fearful.  It is easier to pretend it isn't happening for them rather than face the facts. I suspect some are in panic mode and afraid to admit it.