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Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

I will be alone too.

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Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

You are never alone............You have many very nice poster friends here.


Feel free to chat, no matter what and when.


We all love you.  Always remember that!


Let's all be grateful for wonderful people all around us, no matter how far away.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?


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Registered: ‎07-07-2010

Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

@Anonymous032819  It is just DH and me, and I will be checking in, so you are not alone.  With DH's work schedule, I find that I am alone quite often, but I seem to really enjoy my own company, along with the pets.  My suggestion is to prepare yourself a fabulous dinner, have a glass of wine, good music, good book, or a good movie.  It is only one day, and that is how I like to think of it.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

Come to my house.  I am in Gilroy. We are eating by 1pm.

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Registered: ‎07-19-2013

Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

I have been, but not this particular year...


I was soothed once a long time ago when I met eyes with a kind hearted woman who could feel my sorrow.


She simply said - child you are never alone if you allow God into your heart. He is always there with you, and she walked away.

I was astounded by her comment and her acute compassion. She was and is - right.


I will send my prayers for you, loud and clear to the heavens above.


I remind you we are here for you - though you may feel alone - you are not. 

Share and allow us in and we will be here to keep you company.

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Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

@Anonymous032819 & others!


Coming here you maybe physically "alone" but many of us will be here right with ya!


I had a twist of events : was feeling a little down as it's only the 2 of us --- all my family up north. long story but I just returned from 2 great weeks with them & just never thought about Christmas was around the corner!


So I turned to spouse & said:  "What do we plan to do Christmas day -- I'm not sitting here all day!" He said "we're going out to dinner!".  What?  I figured what the heck friends have plans & most aren't here.


Fast forward:  I baked & delivered to several friends trays of cookies...I was surprised most had no plans for Christmas Day.


I cancelled dinner plans because I knew in 40+ years he never went out for holidays and he was only doing it for me plus reservation was 7pm.  (He's normally in bed by 8:30😮).


I decided to cook (nothing special) and invited them to join us!   There's room at the table for more...don't know what the menu is but will be good crazy fun and I know dessert is cupcakes cuz I just baked them🙂.  Stop on by!!!


Merry Christmas🎄🎄🎄



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Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

@Anonymous032819  ...... I will be spending Christmas alone but it is my choice. Every since my husband died I have preferred to spend the holidays alone for some "quiet" time. I like to reflect back to past holidays shared not just with my husband but with other family members that have passed away. To remember the love we all shared makes the holiday just as special now as it was then. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a reminder that though you may feel you are alone as @LadyAlice  said you never walk alone.

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Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

We are having chicken enchiladas, cheese enchiladas, rice and beans from Victorias restaurant. Chios, salsa and avacado dip.   There will be ham, costco mashed potatoes, salad, smoked salmon, prawns, berries, mangoes and pineapple and turkey burger soup.  Its like hamburger soup only with ground turkey.  My daughters MIL makes us a crockpot full  every year.


among the many desserts is Juniors Strawberry shortcake cheesecake. Yum

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Registered: ‎09-18-2010

Re: Anyone Spending Christmas Day Alone?

I am sorry you will be alone on Christmas. You will be in my thoughts. 


I won't be alone, but it will be a Christmas like no other for me, not in a good way. All we can do is try to make the best of whatever situation we find ourselves in. I wish I could just crawl up in the bed and not think, but thats not an option.


Blessings to you, @Anonymous032819