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Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

We have nomorobo and also a call blocking system on our landline. For the last week, we've been getting phone calls that come from a number like this example:  8-592-xxxx (only 8 digits). In other words, only one number of the area code is there, so you cannot block these calls. They have been coming in from many different numbers, so apparently several different companies have been doing this. Is this the newest game to prevent blocking spam callers? Anyone know a way around it? Thanks!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

My way around it is to never answer a call from a number I do not recognize.

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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

I don’t answer any of the calls I don’t recognize.If it is importantlthey will leave a message.

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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

I wish I could offer some sound advice.  It seems as soon as you have a fix, they come up with something new.  I am fed up myself.  I just ignore the calls and they eventually stop calling.  Reporting these calls really don't work either.  They simply come up with a new number to use after they have been blocked.  The Federal Trade Commission claims they are working on a way to get around this.  Good Luck!

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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!


I don’t answer any of the calls I don’t recognize.If it is importantlthey will leave a message.


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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

Not answering the phone is fine but it's the fact that the phone even rings! It makes you stop what you're doing, or get up from where you're sitting, run up or down stairs.....disturbs you in some way to get close enough to the phone to hear your answering machine giving you the number that's calling or close enough to the phone to read the caller ID. That alone is annoying. Unless you carry the handheld part around with you to look at it when it rings which I sometimes do but then 8 times out of 10 if I've taken it with me I forget to take it when I move on to another part of the house and can't remember where I left it.

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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

Yes, it's all a pain in the butt.  However, answering the phone adds fuel to fire.  I can her my answering machine throughout my house.  If they don't leave a message, I don't worry about it.  It seems there isn't  a true remedy for this issue currently.

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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

I haven't. My phone has a button you can push to block a number when it calls you though. And yesterday I got a spam call, so I blocked it, then I got another one and the phone number was exactly the same except for one digit. Blocked that one. Then, I get third one, off one more digit. I blocked that too.
I'm about ready to get rid of the landline again.


I feel like its harassment at this point. I'm glad I'm not recuperating from surgery, or have an infant I'm trying to get to sleep.

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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

I know exactly how you feel.  I haven't received calls as early as 8:30 am and as late as 8:45 pm. They are spoofing calls , unassigned calls, and sometimes the same caller using different telephone numbers. It seems that something should be done about this harassment!  It makes you almost want to answer the phone and give them a piece of your mind!

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Re: Anyone Getting This Type of Spam Call--Cannot Block!

[ Edited ]

Believe me, I do not answer these calls. If I do not recognize the number, it doesn't get answered. I read that if you do not answer the number, they will assume it is a bad number and not call back. However, if your answering machine picks up eventually, then they know it is a good number. I like to screen my calls if I'm busy or I do not recognize the number. I have reported calls to the FTC. Like another person mentioned, that number might get banned, but they call back on another number. It's so annoying.


One day I answered a call that was from someone I know here in town...only it was not her. It even showed her name on the caller ID. Some company had hijacked her number. I called her and told her about it.


One of the shopping channels had a call blocker on yesterday as the daily special, but you cannot even block calls if you do not know the entire 10 digits.


Maybe we should just go back to smoke signals!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli