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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Thank you, skatting22, for that information.  Dear me! The place had a bizarre although beautiful look.  No wonder...

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

@golding76 wrote:

ScarletDove, I remember the Flagship and Hogate's.  When our children were young, my late husband and I made it down to the waterfront to eat seafood at least once every summer. 


Sometimes the visit would coincide with my DH's birthday or mine and be our birthday meal.  It was always exciting to go.


Ah, rum buns.  Yum!   Very fond memories of those two restaurants.


Also, when I worked in D.C. itself,  farewell parties were often held at those restaurants. 


[I suddenly remembered all the restaurants and clubs owned by Ulysses "Blackie" Augur.  He had Blackie's House of Beef, the Black Orchid, the Black Rooster.  What an entrepreneur that guy was!]

@golding76   Isn't it amazing just throwing out a few names triggers long-forgotten memories of some great places. Indeed, remember Blackies, wonderful food. 

     The owner of the Flagship Daisy Carter Mahan and her family were friends; as Daisy aged she let her son and daughter run the business and it didn't do as well when she and Ethel Carter (her brothers wife) ran it. Here is its long history:

Daisy Carter Lanhardt and her brother, Bill Carter, opened Carter-Lanhardt wholesale seafood company at Municipal Fish Market, 1928 and expanded by opening a small Flagship Restaurant at the fish market. When Naylors Seafood closed in the late 50's they moved the Flagship there and continued until sold.

  Do you remember Woodies, Hechts and Jelleffs?

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

[ Edited ]

Yep.  I also remember Raleigh's, Garfinckel's and Haber's.   


Back to food -- Reese's Bakery, the Blue Mirror (an eatery that was open late), the California Steak House.  That great Italian restaurant -- A.V. Ristorante Italiano.


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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

I definitely remember Haussners.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Fond memories of Mrs. Ks Toll House and Hofbergs Deli on the District line.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

@golding76 wrote:

Yep.  I also remember Raleigh's, Garfinckel's and Haber's.   


Back to food -- Reese's Bakery, the Blue Mirror (an eatery that was open late), the California Steak House.  That great Italian restaurant -- A.V. Ristorante Italiano.


@golding76   Raleigh's and Garfinkel's yes, do not recall Habers. There was a Garfinkel's on Western Ave at Chevy Chase at the District line across from Woodies.

As to the food, do not recall Reese's, California Steak House, or A.V. Ristorante Italiano, but remember the Blue Mirror.  It was a favorite as a young adult, will never forget those  times.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Reeses had the very best strawberry pies, with sugared lattice covering, I've ever had in my entire life!

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

@patbz wrote:

Fond memories of Mrs. Ks Toll House and Hofbergs Deli on the District line.

@patbz   Mrs K's wonderful, but Hofberg's was more my style...frequented many times in the early 60's while in college.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Anybody remember Giffords? I understand that many cried the day the original location in Silver Spring closed.  I loved their Swiss Chocolate ice cream.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

I remember Giffords.


Goldie Hawn loved Mrs. K's Toll House.  She grew up in Takoma Park, Md., I believe, and whenever she returned to this area, she would stop to eat at Mrs. K's.  Wonder if it is still open.


Blue Mirror postcard:


Blue Mirror Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge Washington District of Columbia