I remember a lot of these places! We moved to Maryland from Savannah when I was 12, and the Peter Pan Inn was one of the first places my dad took us. I think we only went twice, but I remember the birds and I had a souvenir glass from there. I was trying to tell DH about it once, but I couldn't remember the name or where it was located.
I went to Mrs. K.'s about twice too. My mom lived in D.C. as a young woman and knew about it. She went there a lot. Somehow she bought two of the hurricane candles that sat on the tables. She bought two. I had them on my dining room table for a lot of years. And now they are on each end of my grandfather's desk. - still in the dining room.
I also remember special trips to Haussner's and all of the art work there.
My dad's favorite place to go in the Baltimore area was the Brentwood Inn. We went there a lot, and he even took DH there a few times after we started dating. I loved the shrimp stuffed with crab imperial!
Thanks for all of the pictures and the memories!