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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

[ Edited ]

D.C. had so many clubs for young rockers and fans of folk music.


The Cellar Door

The Childe Harold

Benny's Rebel Room

The Hayloft

The Gold Rush

The Pall Mall

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Mrs.Ks  closed several years ago but recently reopened( same location, different name).  I went to H.S. with Goldie and we both had non speaking parts in L'il Abner.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Memories.  As a child my father would put us in the car and drive and drive and drive.  No maps just go places every weekend.  Growing us summers in rural Vermont the Frederick area was the treat and so close to my Vermont experience. Peter Pan was a weekly destination.   This city girl (Washington DC) would never ever forget the experience of being free of city life summers and weekends.  


You can only imagine where I live now.  Got married and insisted that my new hubby and I live and raise a family in Frederick Co Md because of this restaurant and the surroundings.   


Just celebrated our 56th anniversary and  been here in HEAVEN 54 of those years.                                                                                                                      

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

bonnielu, I agree that Frederick County, Md., is a bit of heaven on Earth.  Some photos to support our belief:


Frederick, Maryland Frederick is a city and the county seat of Frederick County in the U.S. state of Maryland. It is part of the Baltimore–Washington Metropolitan Area Frederick - Maryland Stock Photo


View of rolling hills in rural Frederick County, Maryland. Stock Photo


Aerial of Historic Frederick, Maryland Near Carroll Creek Promena — Stock Photo, Image





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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

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patbz, how intriguing that you went to school with Goldie Hawn and were in a school production with her.


Truly interesting and impressive!



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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

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I remember a lot of these places! We moved to Maryland from Savannah when I was 12, and the Peter Pan Inn was one of the first places my dad took us. I think we only went twice, but I remember the birds and I had a souvenir glass from there. I was trying to tell DH about it once, but I couldn't remember the name or where it was located.


I went to Mrs. K.'s about twice too. My mom lived in D.C. as a young woman and knew about it. She went there a lot. Somehow she bought two of the hurricane candles that sat on the tables. She bought two. I had them on my dining room table for a lot of years. And now they are on each end of my grandfather's desk. -  still in the dining room.




 I also remember special trips to Haussner's and all of the art work there. 




My dad's favorite place to go in the Baltimore area was the Brentwood Inn. We went there a lot, and he even took DH there a few times after we started dating. I loved the shrimp stuffed with crab imperial! 




Thanks for all of the pictures and the memories!   Smiley Happy

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

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Normandie Farm Restaurant  on Falls Rd in Potomac, Md

. Eleanor Roosevelt would go there for the popovers.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Never heard of it.

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

Anyone remember Grafittis on Rockville Pike in MD circa mid to late 70's, their salad bar was truly amazing, always a very long wait. 

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Re: Anyone Else Here Remember the Peter Pan Inn in Urbana, Md.?

@golding76 wrote:

D.C. had so many clubs for young rockers and fans of folk music.


The Cellar Door

The Childe Harold

Benny's Rebel Room

The Hayloft

The Gold Rush

The Pall Mall

My fave was The Crazy Horse in Georgetown.