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@qvc-loyal customer wrote:

of course i missed it i was working.. i just came home & watched it.. sooo cute... but will they let oliver near it, or no???

I dont think so.  Too dangerous for the calf.  They can see and smell each other.  But I think from what they said that will be it.  And as soon as he is weaned in 8-10 months the calf will be moved to another zoo.

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Registered: ‎10-26-2014

Oliver wont stop looking at him  lol  its too cute.... i could just imagine what he must be thinking lol  yes i did read that he could be just like a "bull"... i want a baby girafee but i want it to stay small... love watching mama & baby together.. its about time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."