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Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

Just wondering can folks there buy volcano insurance? Is it offered

thru your homeowners policy ?


Do they consider that an act of God ?

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Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

State Farm


What is covered

  • Most homeowners policies provide coverage for property loss caused by volcanic eruption when it is the result of a volcanic blast, airborne shock waves, ash, dust, or lava flow. Fire or explosion resulting from volcanic eruption also is covered.
  • Direct, sudden damage to your vehicle is covered under most automobile insurance policies if you have comprehensive coverage at the time of the loss.
  • A vehicle crash that happens during or after a volcanic eruption would be covered under the terms of your policy, like any other crash.

What isn't covered

  • Most homeowners insurance policies do not cover damage from earthquake, land tremors, landslide, mudflow, or other earth movement regardless of whether or not the quake is caused by or causes a volcanic eruption. Earthquake coverage is usually available either by endorsement for an additional charge or by purchasing a separate earthquake policy. Most insurance companies will not issue earthquake policies during or immediately after an earthquake.
  • Flood damage is not covered under a typical homeowners insurance policy. Flood insurance is available through the National Flood Insurance Program, provided the policy is in force prior to a flood.
  • Damage to land, trees, shrubs, lawns, property in the open, open sheds, or the contents of those open sheds are typically not covered.
  • Expenses incurred for preventive measures are not covered under either the auto or homeowners policy.
  • The cost to remove ash from personal property is generally not covered unless the ash first causes direct physical loss to personal property. There is no coverage to remove ash from the surrounding land or landscaping.
  • Most policies do not cover damage that occurs to homes or vehicles over time due to volcanic dust or ash.
  • Wear and tear from any circumstance is generally not covered. 
Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Posts: 7,712
Registered: ‎08-19-2014

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

@SharkE   I don’t live in Hawaii but my DH works in the insurance industry.We actually talked about this the other day.There is no specific coverage you can buy for volcano damage.However,Homeowners policies may cover part of the damage.For example,if the eruption causes a fire the damage it causes would likely be covered.If ash covers your property but causes no damage the cleanup would not be covered.If your car is damaged you would look to your auto policy for possible coverage.

  Policies need to be examined closely as different companies may cover more or less depending how they’re worded.You should also never take the insurance company’s word for it.You should always read the policy yourself.Sometimes things are open to interpretation & can be challenged.

  About 10 years ago I sustained some water damage to my home.The company denied the coverage.I went back to the policy & found where they were wrong.DH agreed with me!! I faxed them the portion of the policy in question.They paid my $3000 claim!!

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Posts: 36,812
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

As we sit and watch the news on this we got to thinking if those poor people who were in the path of this mess just lost their homes, etc.

Gees, we aren't safe any where it seems.


I'm in Texas, but, OK gets lot more and worse tornadoes then we do.

Up in Ind. last night I couldn't even talk to sister she was being clobbered

by hail up around Evansville.


Yeah, I'd read policy and ask plenty of questions if I lived over there. We took

a vacation over there yrs. ago. Sure, it's pretty, but, I don't want to live around water. Hazards, are every where !

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Posts: 16,793
Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

Words of truth @NicksmomESQ


I just had it out with State Farm over an auto accident.  Kid with a stop sign didn't stop and hit me.  They needed to do an investigation to determine who was at fault.  


Really?  Let's ask the kindergarten class when they get in who's at fault when one person has a stop sign and the other one does not. 


It took them about 10 seconds after weeks of nonsense before they found the kid who also got a ticket by a real police officer (me clean!) 100% responsible.  No kidding.  My exact response when they finally made the call.      


I hope these poor people are treated better by their insurer.  I do my job every day.  The insurance peeps need to do their's too.  There are real people with lives interrupted here that need to get back to normal ASAP.     

Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,232
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

i was just thinking of that commerical on t.v. now about air condtioner is not covered but volcanic eruptions and zombies are coming is covered. it is a cute commerical

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Posts: 9,839
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

[ Edited ]

@SharkE wrote:

As we sit and watch the news on this we got to thinking if those poor people who were in the path of this mess just lost their homes, etc.

Gees, we aren't safe any where it seems.


I'm in Texas, but, OK gets lot more and worse tornadoes then we do.

Up in Ind. last night I couldn't even talk to sister she was being clobbered

by hail up around Evansville.


Yeah, I'd read policy and ask plenty of questions if I lived over there. We took

a vacation over there yrs. ago. Sure, it's pretty, but, I don't want to live around water. Hazards, are every where !

Per living in Texas.  When my husband went in to the service (Air Force) he was Texas.  First day he's there he looked out the window and saw a twister coming toward him.  He was so scared he could not speak.  Just kept stuttering and pointing out the window!  


I visited Dallas once.  I was so impressed and excited.  Then I want outside in the heat......I thought I had died.


Tornados in the U.S.  4 times MORE then any part of the world.  North America is awful when it comes to tornados.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,712
Registered: ‎08-19-2014

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

@Laura14 wrote:

Words of truth @NicksmomESQ


I just had it out with State Farm over an auto accident.  Kid with a stop sign didn't stop and hit me.  They needed to do an investigation to determine who was at fault.  


Really?  Let's ask the kindergarten class when they get in who's at fault when one person has a stop sign and the other one does not. 


It took them about 10 seconds after weeks of nonsense before they found the kid who also got a ticket by a real police officer (me clean!) 100% responsible.  No kidding.  My exact response when they finally made the call.      


I hope these poor people are treated better by their insurer.  I do my job every day.  The insurance peeps need to do their's too.  There are real people with lives interrupted here that need to get back to normal ASAP.     

 @Laura14   You’re your best advocate!! After I faxed the section of the policy over to the claims adjuster he called me.He said he had never seen that wording before.He called the underwriter who told him my damage was covered. That language has since been rewritten. Apparently, it was an underwriting error!! Lol!! 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 16,793
Registered: ‎06-09-2014

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@Laura14 wrote:

Words of truth @NicksmomESQ


I just had it out with State Farm over an auto accident.  Kid with a stop sign didn't stop and hit me.  They needed to do an investigation to determine who was at fault.  


Really?  Let's ask the kindergarten class when they get in who's at fault when one person has a stop sign and the other one does not. 


It took them about 10 seconds after weeks of nonsense before they found the kid who also got a ticket by a real police officer (me clean!) 100% responsible.  No kidding.  My exact response when they finally made the call.      


I hope these poor people are treated better by their insurer.  I do my job every day.  The insurance peeps need to do their's too.  There are real people with lives interrupted here that need to get back to normal ASAP.     

 @Laura14   You’re your best advocate!! After I faxed the section of the policy over to the claims adjuster he called me.He said he had never seen that wording before.He called the underwriter who told him my damage was covered. That language has since been rewritten. Apparently, it was an underwriting error!! Lol!! 

@NicksmomESQ  Good for you!  My hero!  I am currently having it out with Chase over nonsense as well.  I just sent them a letter letting them know I have done their job for them now fix the error!  Smiley Frustrated  

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Posts: 5,055
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Anybody here live in Hawaii ?

Not mentioned was that it does not cover a Zombie Apocalypse, either! Woman Surprised