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Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

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I have always loved having a real live Christmas tree in my home. I open the door, and I breathe deep, that fresh pine scent. No artificial tree can do that.



I remember being a little girl, and going to the tree lot to pick out the perfect tree. It had to be full and fat.


Some years we would get it flocked. Once we got it home, I loved decorating it with tinsel, lights and ornaments.


For me, no matter how fancy, or expensive the artificial the tree is, it still looks and feels just that, artificial.


So, does anybody still prefer the real deal over the artificial tree?

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

Two of my daughters do.  One always spend Christmas at a ski resort.  I don't know where she gets a real one but she does.


The oldest daughter usually gets a real one like when my husband was alive we'd cut one down every year.  However,this year she'll be on a cruise so it will probably be a fake one.


As for me, I bought a 5 ft one at QVC last ear and it was good (fake). I didn't even decorate it.  The light worked fine.  I live with 2 cats.

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

I'm proud to admit I'm a huge tree hugger. I never understood the silly custom of killing a beautiful tree to decorate with trinkets and when all the needles turn brittle and fall off people throw them out at the curb. I'm an advocate of only using an artificial tree in my home.

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

Yes, the kitty cat issue ......   it's difficult to have a tree with a cat who's a big  "plant enthusiast",  LOL


I think I'll get a fresh pine wreath this year.     That's probably the safest and easiest way to go.

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

I like a real tree but my daughter is allergic. When she was little we went out to the tree farm, got a tree and the sneezing started. Put it out on the porch and bought a fake one. 


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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

HA!  That brought back a funny memory of my Dad.  We used to get our tree around Mom's bithday on the 17th.  One year, mid70s, he wanted to get an artificial tree.  Siblings & I balked at that, even though 3 of the 5 of us didn't live there.  So he gave in, making us promise to clean up fallen needles when they took it down on Jan 1st.  YIKES!  I never knew that those needles stick in carpeting & you have to pull them out by hand.  Vacuuming doesn't work at all.  The next year, nobody said a word when he went out & bought the artificial tree.   smiles.  He's been gone almost 34 years now, so it was nice to think of him & that story.

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

I also prefer a real tree.  No faux for me. 

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

Yes I prefer real Christmas trees but I'm allergic to pine and vacuuming up the needles one year gave me severe breathing problems so we've had an artificial tree ever since.


Plus my cat knocked over our 9 ft live tree one year when my husband was out of town on a business trip and that huge tree was so heavy it was only pure determination that I got it back upright. Sadly it broke a bunch of ornaments. My cats have not managed to knock over the artifical tree, nor are they at risk of getting sick from trying to drink the water. 

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

One year my family went to a  Christmas tree farm, and there were rows and rows of trees for you to choose from.


Once the holidays were over, we would recycle our tree, where it would be turned in to mulch.


I have also seen where you can buy live trees, and they are planted in a bucket.


Once you are done with the tree, it can be planted.


I have always liked that idea.

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Re: Anybody Still Get Real Christmas Trees?

I prefer real.  There is a service in town where you can order and have your live tree delivered to your door.  You just tell the owner what shape and height you want.  He starts taking orders in July!

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