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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

$100 seems right. When we get invited to the third wedding and it's at a campground, we give $50 to cover our plate of grilled hot dogs and potato salad. Yes, that's happened quite a bit on DH's side (they consider us the generous ones because $20 is common in these instances when no one thinks the marriage will last).

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

Where we live, and when we were young, a wedding did not automatically come with a meal.  Most often it was a wedding and a reception then everyone went their own ways.


I still think this is the best idea.  You can invite everyone you want to the capacity of the hall, enjoy the ceremony, visit a while afterward then go do what you want to do.


You get a pleasant evening and your friends have not mortgaged their (and sometimes your) home and future to lavishly feed 230 people and you don't have to chip in for it!


Doesn't raise the angst and hard feelings you get so often now.  Which is no fault of the people invited. . . 

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

I am born and raised in the NYC area and I have neve rheard of cover your plate, I gift well gernerally in mutiples of Chai($18) the Jewish word for life

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

If she feels comfortable giving $100, then that's what she should do.  



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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

Who came up with the crazy idea of "covering your plate'? Wedding etiquette doesn't dictate any such thing.  It sounds greedy, and guests should only be expected to give what they can afford and their relationship to the ones getting married.  Anyone who goes in debt for a wedding has a lot to learn about finances. 

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

Thank you everyone for your advice! I knew I could find it here!


She is going solo - only the co-workers were invited (no spouses, SO's,etc.). They are all going together on a party bus.


I let her read some of the posts here early this morning. She is comfortable going with her original plan, and I am learning that things are definitely different!


I guess I'm so used to her BEING in weddings that this just really threw me! It started when we were out together and she wondered if $100 was enough.


Thank you again!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

@Sooner I totally agree with you! Simple receptions (without alcohol, too) without a sit down dinner are SO much more enjoyable for everyone. The event should be about the happy couple, not impressing peopls. A wedding is not a business venture.

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

@Goldengate8361 wrote:

@Sooner I totally agree with you! Simple receptions (without alcohol, too) without a sit down dinner are SO much more enjoyable for everyone. The event should be about the happy couple, not impressing peopls. A wedding is not a business venture.





i am 57 years old and have never heard of or been invited to a wedding that does not include food and music.

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

@sunshine45 wow. Interesting. I never went to a wedding with dinner until I was in my late 20s. 

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Re: Another Question about How Much Cash for Wedding Gift

[ Edited ]

Give $100 to someone who isn't a close friend or relative?  Absoultely not! Who is she trying to impress or perhaps feels pressured because it is her boss or owners granddaugher? No, I wouldn't.