@Ladybug724 wrote:
I don't get many ants, but if I see one I pick it up with a paper towel and put it outside. Yeah, I really do. But not all make it out alive unfortunately
And no, insects do not have the run of my house lol
Ants are the only ones who receive this courtesy service
Oh my goodness!
I've never met anyone else who does this.
My best friend and I when we were little always saved ants from water, everything.
And I still do to this day! There's just something about them
Only if there is a ton outside my door will I do otherwise.
(But not as you said anything else in the house, though I don't like to kill anything).
I also go to great lengths to save moths and "pretty" bugs.
And will take a house apart to save a trapped squirrel or bird!
My son has often gotten in the middle of a highway to stop cars for a dog or turtle while I'm on the side waving them all to stop! Yikes!
Or getting out trying to find the owner and leading the dog away from the road.
My sister won't kill spiders cause she says they kill other things. I'm sorry but to me they are also "the other things" (sorry Charlotte's web
I know people think this all is totally weird but I'm happy to see there's someone else "weird" in the world!
"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"