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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

[ Edited ]

I would imagine that Mr. Rob Petrie donates considerable amounts to charitable 501c3s aiding the homeless, but likes to supplement that with small monetary donations directly to recipients.  It's possible to do both.

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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

@SharkE : Today 5 bucks won't even buy a hamburger and a coffee at McDonalds! 

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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

@Buffalogal47 wrote:

@SharkE : Today 5 bucks won't even buy a hamburger and a coffee at McDonalds! 



yes, it will......

mcdonalds has their $1, $2, $3 menu.........

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

@Buffalogal47 wrote:

@SharkE : Today 5 bucks won't even buy a hamburger and a coffee at McDonalds! 

@Buffalogal47   When was the most recent time YOU handed someone $5 to help them out.... just because they might need it... out on the street...


I bet NEVER.


Do not be so judgemental.... if more people were like Him handing out money those $5 would add up and help a lot of people needing it.... additudes like YOURS are not helping anyone.


Just another Negative Nancy...

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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

You can do a lot with $5 at a discount food store.


You might be surprised.

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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

More important to find them jobs . Self respect is more important then anything.

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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

@SharkE wrote:

More important to find them jobs . Self respect is more important then anything.




"He handed out $5 bills and mingled with those at the Malibu Community Labor Exchange, which helps match employers and those looking for work."

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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

I believe his heart was in the right place.


However, our local authorities who work with the homeless say NOT to directly hand them cash, unless you don't mind that it could be spent on drugs, booze, cigarettes or whatever.  There are places in our community where they can get free assistance for food, transportation, clothes, job training, shelter, etc.  Unfortunately, the need is still greater than the available resources.


They give this same advice regarding those panhandling outside of restaurants.  Street people ask those leaving the restaurant who are carrying "doggie bags" if they can have their leftover food.  It sounds cruel, but you are enabling them to stay on the street.


So, I'm certainly no "angel from God" since I don't hand out cash directly to homeless people.








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Re: ‘An angel from God’: ****** Van ****** hands cash to homeless people

@Johnnyeager wrote:

I would imagine that Mr. Rob Petrie donates considerable amounts to charitable 501c3s aiding the homeless, but likes to supplement that with small monetary donations directly to recipients.  It's possible to do both.

"Oh, Rob!"