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Yesterday I received an email from Amazon that started:


We write to notify you of a potential safety concern with a product that you purchased on 


It went on to detail the purchase and then I read what was a surprise to me.


Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used for the purchase or if the original payment method is no longer available, we will apply an Amazon Gift Card to your account. There is no need for you to return the product.


My credit card has already been credited for $65.  Another reason to shop Amazon. 



Honored Contributor
Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Love Amazon....a lot of my monthly spending goes to Amazon...rarely ever disappointed 


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Posts: 10,363
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

@mspatmac ............Wow it must be a serious safety hazard!  Good to hear Amazon is willing to step up to the plate.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

This is a good thing, for sure, but Amazon prices can be thru the roof, buyer still has to beware!!

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Posts: 8,789
Registered: ‎06-25-2012

Absolutely not! Amazon is the demise of the small mom & pop stores. I only buy Amazon as a very last resort. Too bad buyers go there first. I'd much rather go to my local store to see, feel, touch and try on in person. Please shop nearby. 

"Pure Michigan"
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I've never really shopped Amazon much at all.  I would hardly shop on line anywhere until in recent months.  I get so frustrated when I'm looking for something or need something and I go store to store all of towns and can't find it.  The latest thing I couldn't find were garage sale tags and signs.  I went everywhere.  Instead of driving around, wasting gas and time, I ordered them from Amazon.  Got them in a couple of days.  We're considering Amazon Prime if things continue this way.  Nice that Amazon streaming is included in that. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@ID2 wrote:

Absolutely not! Amazon is the demise of the small mom & pop stores. I only buy Amazon as a very last resort. Too bad buyers go there first. I'd much rather go to my local store to see, feel, touch and try on in person. Please shop nearby. 


I thought Walmart was the "demise of the small mom & pop stores."


Sorry but I go where I find the best prices and where it's most convenient for me.

And that's generally Amazon.

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

We're very happy with Amazon. Have used it for quite awhile. We sometimes get our purchase the next day. 

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Posts: 1,824
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Amazon Surprise

[ Edited ]

I stopped going to local stores in my area because the price of gas to go there went so high, it was a big expense to drive there. Plus, sometimes I could not get help when there was just one worker and 4 customers in the store. It always seemed that the one worker was helping the other 4 customers!!   I like to order from Amazon for convenience....look online for 10 minutes, place an order, and it usually arrives within 4 days.  I live close to 2 large Amazon shipping warehouses and I have received a few items in a day or two!  

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Posts: 9,212
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Walmart killed small business a long time ago. Grocery stores are all large chains. I sure don’t live anywhere where a small mom and pop shop has what I’m looking for unless it’s some off-the-wall gift-type item. The only local store I shop on any regular basis, aside from grocery, is Target - not exactly a small business.

I don’t love some things about Amazon’s business practices but they have a massive warehouse here and employ more locals than any other retailer.

Amazon pricing is generally competitive IF you stay away from sleazy third-party sellers.