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Re: 'All in the Game' -- by Tommy Edwards -- So Soft and Sweet


I remember it well. One of my favorites during those times, and throughout time. And thank you for this thread!

hckynut 🇺🇸

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Re: 'All in the Game' -- by Tommy Edwards -- So Soft and Sweet

PBS IN CA. Now playing all the oldies from the 50

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 'All in the Game' -- by Tommy Edwards -- So Soft and Sweet


For some sentimental reason, I thought of this Golden Oldie today and was compelled to play it. Anyone else remember it fondly? Of course I shed tears when I heard it again. Not a lot, but a few.

I'm thinking of the 1958 version. An impressionable teenager and new to the pangs of love, I appreciated the way this song brought solace and comfort.

So soft. So sweet.

@golding76- OMG I haven't heard this song in so long, but when I just heard it, I was brought back to the 1950s, when we had "make-out" parties. I actually danced with my husband to this song when we were 12 or 13. Could it possibly be that many years ago? Thanks for the memory.

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett