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Should there be adult only flights?

Would you be willing to pay more for a child free flight?

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Registered: ‎06-12-2014

Yes yes yes!

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I'm thinking the airline industry is missing out on a money maker. They should at least do a little research into the feasibility of offering them.

While some people are not bothered by children crying, whining, or whatever else children do on flights, some people who are prone to migraines, have high blood pressure, or some other condition find it intolerable.

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Yes, I am for many child free ideas. Paying more? No. It's the parents who should pay more for the extra person/s.

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If people cannot tolerate children or other people, they should probably just stay home There are plenty of "adult only" vacation distinctions they can drive too. I don't know how people function in the real world if they cannot tolerate the possibility of children annoying them.
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On 6/15/2014 brii said: If people cannot tolerate children or other people, they should probably just stay home There are plenty of "adult only" vacation distinctions they can drive too. I don't know how people function in the real world if they cannot tolerate the possibility of children annoying them.

Adults annoy too, lol. What I don't understand is why people can not see that businesses such as airlines have very strict guidelines for safety operations. Pointing that out does not equal a 'meltdown' against children.

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I've flown a lot. Adults have annoyed me more than the children that have Been on flights. Lol
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On 6/15/2014 brii said: I've flown a lot. Adults have annoyed me more than the children that have Been on flights. Lol

Amen sista, lol. Don't quite get the drama in the other thread, oh well........

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adults are usually worse than the kids on flights.....way worse.

i am all for adult only flights for those that want them. i probably would not be taking them however, especially if they cost more.

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On 6/15/2014 brii said: I've flown a lot. Adults have annoyed me more than the children that have Been on flights. Lol

Adults don't spend the whole flight kicking the back of your seat.