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On 6/15/2014 ------ said:
On 6/15/2014 SydneyH said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:

fb is among friends. I don't understand why one wouldn't share experiences among friends.

Her page may not have been private, therefore any discussion of a national company's business practices could go viral.

I understand that Syd. What I'm not understanding is why one wouldn't share personal experiences on one's own fb page?

people have been known to be fired and others not hired after the fb postings were read. it's not new news.

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I would MUCH prefer to be the only human on an all animal flight...

No screaming kids or crotchety people..

Fighting for them.( formerly EMTHeart)

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On 6/15/2014 JustMeMelissa said:

I would MUCH prefer to be the only human on an all animal flight...

No screaming kids or crotchety people..

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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On 6/15/2014 herekitty_kitty said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:
On 6/15/2014 SydneyH said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:

fb is among friends. I don't understand why one wouldn't share experiences among friends.

Her page may not have been private, therefore any discussion of a national company's business practices could go viral.

I understand that Syd. What I'm not understanding is why one wouldn't share personal experiences on one's own fb page?

people have been known to be fired and others not hired after the fb postings were read. it's not new news.

Not relevant. We are speaking about a mother and her child, not her workplace.

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Posts: 17,594
Registered: ‎06-27-2010

To the OP's question:

I doubt it would be that helpful. I think this is an issue of people doing their best to be considerate of others around them rather than the airline trying to change their regulations or flight offerings.

jmh, ymmv

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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On 6/15/2014 herekitty_kitty said:

Yes! I'll pay more for no crying, screaming babies or children. I have no problem with well behaved children. I know children are children. but i don't want to put up with the out of control child.

I agree Kitty. I can easily put up with a crying infant but the older children that scream, kick seats etc. nope. And the parents that think they are cute...well that's another story. I am fed up with rudeness. And Kitty I'm with you on the other thread too!!

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Registered: ‎10-19-2011
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:
On 6/15/2014 herekitty_kitty said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:
On 6/15/2014 SydneyH said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:

fb is among friends. I don't understand why one wouldn't share experiences among friends.

Her page may not have been private, therefore any discussion of a national company's business practices could go viral.

I understand that Syd. What I'm not understanding is why one wouldn't share personal experiences on one's own fb page?

people have been known to be fired and others not hired after the fb postings were read. it's not new news.

Not relevant. We are speaking about a mother and her child, not her workplace.

anything that can go viral becomes public knowledge. we are discussing more than just a mother and child. read the other responses.

you said "What I'm not understanding is why one wouldn't share personal experiences on one's own fb page?" you didn't specify. sorry my response didn't fit your agenda.

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Posts: 1,482
Registered: ‎04-17-2010

I love children, particularly my grandchildren. I have been on many flights where there were screaming babies, through no fault of their own, for 8 straight hours. I was on a flight where a baby vomited all over the seat in front of me. The smell was there the entire flight. I've been on a flight where a mother left a badly soiled diaper wide open on the lid of the toilet.

Unruly adults, they remove.

I'd pay extra for an adult only flight.

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Posts: 31,240
Registered: ‎05-10-2010

I don't think it's possible but YES, I'd be willing to pay extra for a child free, meaning no one under 14, flight. But families travel and kids are kids. It is what it is. Kids really aren't the problem, parents who won't prepare the kids properly and who don't teach their kids manners are the problem. It's not the babies, it's school age kids 8, 9, 10 years old who can turn a plane ride into a torture chamber.

Super Contributor
Posts: 1,680
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
On 6/15/2014 herekitty_kitty said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:
On 6/15/2014 herekitty_kitty said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:
On 6/15/2014 SydneyH said:
On 6/15/2014 ------ said:

fb is among friends. I don't understand why one wouldn't share experiences among friends.

Her page may not have been private, therefore any discussion of a national company's business practices could go viral.

I understand that Syd. What I'm not understanding is why one wouldn't share personal experiences on one's own fb page?

people have been known to be fired and others not hired after the fb postings were read. it's not new news.

Not relevant. We are speaking about a mother and her child, not her workplace.

anything that can go viral becomes public knowledge. we are discussing more than just a mother and child. read the other responses.

you said "What I'm not understanding is why one wouldn't share personal experiences on one's own fb page?" you didn't specify. sorry my response didn't fit your agenda.

Agenda? LOL

And what might that be hun?