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[ Edited ]

I never thought I was but I find myself not opening an umbrella in the house or walking under a ladder.  I know that tomorrow is October 1st but I won't flip my calendar over to October before I leave the office today because someone once told me it was bad luck to change your calendar before the month actually starts, so I'll wait until I come in on Monday, October 3rd, to flip the page to October.  Silly, huh? 

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No, not at all.

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I'm just a little stitious

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No, I am not superstitious at all.

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Although I don't walk under ladders because I don't think it;s safe and I don't open my umbrella in the house because I couldn't get out the door once I did, I don't consider myself superstitious.


I do sort of understand where some superstitions come from, but I just haven't found those which match my personal experiences.

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Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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@Texasmouse wrote:

I never thought I was but I find myself not opening an umbrella in the house or walking under a ladder.  I know that tomorrow is October 1st but I won't flip my calendar over to October before I leave the office today because someone once told me it was bad luck to change your calendar before the month actually starts, so I'll wait until I come in on Monday, October 3rd, to flip the page to October.  Silly, huh? 

I totally agree about the calendar thing, @Texasmouse.  Same way here!


Overall, not very superstitious, except when it comes to my sports teams, but I think of that as more of a ritual than a superstition!!


I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, til death, your right to say it
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No, I'm not.  

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