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Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

We didn't hear what happened, we left. Im sure the owner made him food or he drove to the other place. The owner is very kind.

Why do we think its funny?

Because people use cellphones and not common sense. He called the other place to order. If he used his cell that places address came up. He lives here, yet goes where his cellphone tells him?

As in people now punch in where to go on phones when they are local and do what their phone says? Then he was blaming the phone?

He was able bodied, or I wouldn't laugh at him. And he was local because he was talking about being there before and their ingredients.

So to me a lot of these people hanging on phones 24/7 are in la la land and not paying attention like when theyre driving, walking, etc. I see this all the time in stores on the roads etc.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

And people who don't use cell phones never make mistakes??? Never get lost, are never late, but just "use common sense" and do everything perfectly?

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Registered: ‎11-07-2013

Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

Do you ever make any mistakes? Why is it that people often laugh at things that's not the least bit funny.

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Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

On 9/20/2014 Shorty2U said:

We didn't hear what happened, we left. Im sure the owner made him food or he drove to the other place. The owner is very kind.

Why do we think its funny?

Because people use cellphones and not common sense. He called the other place to order. If he used his cell that places address came up. He lives here, yet goes where his cellphone tells him?

As in people now punch in where to go on phones when they are local and do what their phone says? Then he was blaming the phone?

He was able bodied, or I wouldn't laugh at him. And he was local because he was talking about being there before and their ingredients.

So to me a lot of these people hanging on phones 24/7 are in la la land and not paying attention like when theyre driving, walking, etc. I see this all the time in stores on the roads etc.

He made a mistake. It happens.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 129
Registered: ‎11-07-2013

Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

I have a neighbor up the street that has a bad habit of laughing at things that's not funny top it off she doesn't hide it she laughs right in the peoples faces.

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Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

We don't even know that he made a mistake. It could be he had a faulty cell phone app that gave him the wrong information. In any case, I wouldn't laugh at him.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Registered: ‎07-19-2013

Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

Even if they hadn't used a cell phone, mix ups happen. If you used an old fashioned printed phone book, those lines are very close together and you could write down the address from the line below by accident.

Many people use GPS to get from one place to another. Even in our own towns--streets wind around and cross each other at weird places, and there are new developments on the edge of town. If you're unsure where you're going, it IS common sense to use GPS.

It's beyond tacky to laugh at them, even tackier to come here and ridicule them.

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Posts: 371
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

Wow...NOT funny, at all! Everyone is clearly not as perfect and astute as you!!! I would never find another persons confusion a reason to make fun of them! You mentioned he "was a well to do looking man". Not sure what that has to do with anything. Clearly from the response here, you didn't "use your brain" before you posted. You should be ashamed for being so rude and condescending! And, what does him appearing "able bodied" have to do with whether or not you would laugh at him? Unbelievable.....!!!!

Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

Another vote for not funny.

I do not laugh at someone else's misfortune.

Regular Contributor
Posts: 151
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A funny thing that happened. (Well I think it is).

On 9/20/2014 Chalcedony said: He might have made a mistake when looking up the restaurant in the phone map but I don't see why anyone would think it was so funny as to provoke choking. I suspect that, if the tables were turned and you had made a mistake OP, you would be here commenting and seeking sympathy about the rude pair of diners in the restaurant who were laughing at you.


OP and her husband seem quite nasty about this. It isn't funny at all.