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Registered: ‎11-10-2016

Re: A Step In The Right Direction Against Poaching Wild Animals

Good Riddance! Poachers are horrible people.  Wildlife, any animals, are Gods creatures and should be protected. 

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Registered: ‎07-25-2010

Re: A Step In The Right Direction Against Poaching Wild Animals

Anyone that would kill these beautiful,animals for any reason deserve what they get.  Actually, it is probably better than they deserve.  They should suffer like they make these animals suffer all for stupid money.  They are beneath contempt, they are morons.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: A Step In The Right Direction Against Poaching Wild Animals

Hopefully, they keep vigilant and send a strong message to all the other horrible people. So glad they are protecting these animals.


My heart breaks for a lot of things, poachers and trophy hunters are not on the list.