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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

I dont question other people's reproductive choices. I'm not in their shoes. If someone wants 14 kids or if someone wants no children, it's none of my business.
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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

The thought of being pregnant, having a child and raising a third child after the age of 35 was too much for me.  After my two were in school all day, I could not imagine repeating it all.  Yes, indeed.  Doing it at 73 is beyond my comprehension.  I cannot even wrap my mind around it.  They aren't stupid, they know what their lifespan is so their must be younger friends or relatives who agreed to raise the children when they die or are just too old raise those children.  Which could happen in just a few years.  I assume they are wealthy or at least quite well off because they will need household and childcare help.  It's sad that those children will bury both their parents when they are still very young children.  

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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

These people are a disgrace. There are enough children without parents now here are two more that in a few years (or maybe in the next hour) will have nobody to raise them. It’s like a sick science experiment. Th doctors should lose their license to practice.

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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

My thoughts are that it is absolutely none of my business when it comes to how many children someone has and what age they decide to have children... Boundaries 101.

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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

The father had a stroke the day after these children were born? 


That is so sad...

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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

No one’s business but their own.

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Registered: ‎01-23-2019

Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

When people have kids and they are unfit to be parents, it becomes the problem of society now to deal with these kids. People leaving them in hot cars, abandoning them in a trash bin, beating and starving them, you read these stories every day. Then social services has to find them a home and take care of them. I’m so tired of people like that reproducing. Just don’t have kids if youre not gonna take care of them properly and be there for them.  Kids need support all throughout their lives. Some people act like babies are toys. These people with the twins are very irresponsible. Their kids will not have them around very long, realistically. And then what will happen to them. It’s just sad. Sure people are free to do what they want with their bodies but it’s still not right. 

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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

@Nightowlz wrote:

They are way too old for babies.

IMO any doctor doing IVF for a couple of that age is in it for the money & cares nothing of the health of the mom or the babies.

I feel sorry for the twin girls growing up with great or great great grandparents instead of mom & dad. Hopefully the girls will find homes when they go. At 80 you know the end is coming sooner rather than later.

Not being very responsible IMO.

This couple could have adopted kids when they were younger since there are plenty that need good homes.

I'm glad they are not my parents.

So dad had a stroke & mom is worried about being called a childless lady?

So you expect that the girls will grow up without their parents but with the  grandparents of the 80-year-old parents (the great grandparents of the girls) or even the great grandparents of the 80-year-old parents (the great great grandparents of the girls) will be around for them?

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

They have doomed these babies to being caregivers at a very young age. It's selfish.

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Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: 73 yr. old woman in India had twins, your thoughts.

[ Edited ]

She was still producing eggs at 73?


Forget the moral/ethical/societal standards,

I want to know how this is physically possible....