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Our County Fair and surrounding counties have not yet been cancelled but I do think they will be.

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@suzyQ3 wrote:

@kittyloo wrote:

our fabulous governor, who everyone adores (insert sarcasm here) has cancelled all large gatherings until the

 end of September.  what about when school reopens???

He sounds very wise. Large gatherings should be the very last to open in any kind of sound and measured plan.


As for schools, who knows how they're going to handle that. I would not want to be in the shoes of anyone who is responsible for organizing a safe reentry.


@suzyQ3   We also have a governor who has set strict guidelines and refuses to budge.  People are having a fit despite the fact our death rate has been very low, something like 150 people, and half of those are on or near the Navajo Nation, and lives have been saved.


I've often thought I'd hate to be the one who has to weight peoples' livihoods against peoples' lives and make the right decisions.


New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@KKJ    There's a huge difference from being hysterical,which nobody is, and being prudently following the guidelines of medical experts.  I'd guess you're the one tettering on hysteria.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Nope, not taking the bait.

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@KKJ    There were nowhere near 100,000 deaths from flu during this recent season.  Check it out.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: 4th of July Cancelled?

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

It's stupid to cancel fireworks displays, and it's stupid to cancel a lot of things.  Good grief we cant stay isolated forever.  What's the point?  


Take precautions, evaluate risks for yourself, but to make laws, cancel all public events, etc.  Can't get a haircut?  In the USA?  


Most of the counties in my state are barely impacted by it.  But to heck with them. . . I guess.  

@Sooner    You only need to stay isolated until a vaccine is discovered that is safe and effective.  And if you want to stay alive, especially if you're a senior.  The worst thing you can do is mingle in a crowd.  Everyone will have to assess the risk and determine if the activity is worth it.

Actually, it doesn't sound like most will have to assess a thing. Spring was cancelled and now it sounds as though summer will be in most places as well. Personally, I'm not really big on July 4th and certainly won't miss the fireworks, but all the 'wrong' kind likely will still find their way into the hands of the dimwits who get a kick out of them... 'Safe'. 'prudent' or not, cancelling everything left and right is just more big time economic fallout, and even though I personally don't care for them, the legitimate fireworks folks are clearly taking a huge hit... As for me, I might miss the pool occasionally if it doesn't open, but let's face it, this whole year has turned into one never-ending bummer and then some... 

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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@KKJ wrote:

That's understandable, we all are, but I ask you this--- are you also horrified and saddened by the 100,000 deaths a year from the regular flu and other illnesses? Are they not worthy?  We must open our country back up--yes with caution-- but we can't stay locked down forever.

@KKJ  I just happened to come across this thread. Just want to say, in my 72 years I have never known anyone who died from the flu. In these past few months, 6 people we know died from the virus. That scares me.

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@Sooner wrote:

It's stupid to cancel fireworks displays, and it's stupid to cancel a lot of things.  Good grief we cant stay isolated forever.  What's the point?  


Take precautions, evaluate risks for yourself, but to make laws, cancel all public events, etc.  Can't get a haircut?  In the USA?  


Most of the counties in my state are barely impacted by it.  But to heck with them. . . I guess.  

@Sooner  Then I question what your state has not reopened. I see other states have started. Restaurants,beauty parlors,etc. are all open. Why hasn't your state? 

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Ok, don't want to fight with anyone, but I would welcome  your thoughts on this: the small town I live in has fortunately still no cases. We (state of KS) is following a reopening plan & are in phase 1 which not much has changed, and some businesses are slowly reopening. Phase 2 begins May 18 and they say salons may be able to reopen then but it's iffy at this point. Do you think with no cases we should be able to open businesses sooner than other areas?  Just asking your thoughts.

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Local news did a story today announcing that the annual Lilly Family reunion has been cancelled this year! That is a HUGE announcement for this area, as Lilly reunions have been a major event in Raleigh County, WV for 90 years. These reunions bring in thousands of people; they have their own property with a concession stand, bathrooms, a stage, picnic shelters, camping access, etc. It's a big deal!