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Re: 4 Year Old Dies From Cinnamon

I think it would behoove most Americans to learn what is being passed off as cinnamon isn't really so.  It is a carcinogen and causes stomach cancer.  There is only one real cinnamon that comes from Madagascar I believe - the rest is from Asia. 

It's a real shame that so many moms make treats for their little ones with store bought cinnamon and not the real stuff.  You will pay more for the real item but then you won't risk certain health problems.  Do your research and safeguard your health. 

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Re: 4 Year Old Dies From Cinnamon

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

I think it would behoove most Americans to learn what is being passed off as cinnamon isn't really so.  It is a carcinogen and causes stomach cancer.  There is only one real cinnamon that comes from Madagascar I believe - the rest is from Asia. 

It's a real shame that so many moms make treats for their little ones with store bought cinnamon and not the real stuff.  You will pay more for the real item but then you won't risk certain health problems.  Do your research and safeguard your health. 

Where did you read this? 

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Re: 4 Year Old Dies From Cinnamon

[ Edited ]

Love Roses wrote:

I think it would behoove most Americans to learn what is being passed off as cinnamon isn't really so.  It is a carcinogen and causes stomach cancer.  There is only one real cinnamon that comes from Madagascar I believe - the rest is from Asia. 

It's a real shame that so many moms make treats for their little ones with store bought cinnamon and not the real stuff.  You will pay more for the real item but then you won't risk certain health problems.  Do your research and safeguard your health. 


I purchase Ceylon Cinnamon from Penzey's.  It is the only true cinnamon they sell, or at least it was as of my last order.  The rest of the 'cinnamon' they sell is actually Cassia, as is also the case with grocery store 'cinnamon'.  


I learned years ago that Cassia was not a good choice for either me or my bird, so I stopped buying grocery store 'cinnamon' or any of the others that are not actually cinnamon.

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Re: 4 Year Old Dies From Cinnamon

It's very sad, but it's not like they have been warning people for several years about the danger of ingesting cinnamon.  Trying to keep up with a toddler is really hard.  My son & DIL use magnetic and these oval shaped devised on doors & any drawers that have food or cleaning supplies.  I feel so sorry for this mom.

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Re: 4 Year Old Dies From Cinnamon

This is terrible to read about. Spices should be high up out of reach of children.

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Re: 4 Year Old Dies From Cinnamon

PGGOODY~The cinnamon incident is a fairly well known incident, especially in the north east. While no less a tragedy, it is fairly well known as a prank, hazing or just a "dare ya" occurrence. What happens is mostly in older children and even H.S. And College as well. The kids are dared or made to (if part of a hazing), swallow any where from a teaspoon to full tablespoon of cinnamon with no liquid and just swallow it down. The spice act like a muscle contractor, thus the bronchial tubes sometimes swell up and close off the breathing tube. Sometime the child is lucky and throws up. Yes it burns both ways and there is often a burn/damage of some kind in the nasal or bronchial tubes.  Then the last question is were where the safety latches on the cabinets? It's not impossible to keep the home entirely safe. Little children seem to have a magnet to danger. But as parents and grandchildren we can certainly try to keep all cabinets: kitchen, cleaning, laundry and bathroom anchored with safety locks

In the allergic reaction to dental anesthesia, that is very sad. I would immediately ask the dentist what anesthetic was used as, some can just be inheredantly not appropriate for a child. I would also ask why an extraction was being done on a 4 year old? Any health care professional should have an emergency cart or kit which should have specific medications to stop the allergic process.  I would sit that dentist down and ask a million questions. 

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Re: 4 Year Old Dies From Cinnamon

I've used it as pest control.  I had ants on my counters.  I have every other month pest control spray the outside perimeter only bc I battled cancer I do not want them spraying inside.  Looked online for a non-toxic solution and they suggested using oil of Ceylon Cinnamon.  You can't find in regular stores so I visited the health food stores and none had it so I washed down the counters and when dry sprinkled cinnamon on the granite.  Next day all the ants were gone.  AND they've not come back.


Also bc I won't allow pest control to spray in the garage, they spread a powder just in the corners inside - its a combo of cinnamon and cloves.  They said its strong potent odor may not work 100% on critters, but helps keep some at bay bc the strong scent has the same effect on their respiratory systems so yeah, its some strong potent stuff.