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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/4/2014 shorelady said:
I am pretty sure you are not alone, I think many of the comments made are from people who have not watched, but have heard of them.....I am also certain that should any of the kids, or adults for that matter did anything contrary to their beliefs, it would be reported, do you think so?

Absolutely not. That would then tarnish the perfect family image they have managed to create, thus making them just like the rest of us, warts and all! JMO, but I think the kids would be too frightened to stray from the beliefs engrained in them since birth.

There are people who would love to tarnish them and would report any thing they could find on them.
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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/3/2014 ktlynam said:

All of this concern about "brainwashing" can be applied to any culture, religion, or group that wants to raise families according to their own values. And while I don't recommend the Duggar's situation for myself, it still remains a family's right to raise its children as it sees fit according to its morals and values (and is within the law, of course).

I consider it brainwashing for a family to raise its children to believe that the world revolves around them, that they have a right to wreak havoc on society, join gangs, have multiple babies at 14 and 15 years of age over multiple generations for society to support, worship all kinds of spirits and mythical figures, foment hatred or disrespect for other races, etc.

"Being concerned" or "worried" about how children are being raised would be better directed towards those being raised in poverty, neglect, violence, abuse and irresponsibility than of those raised in homes with love, respect for family and others, supporting oneself, sense of responsibility, and who are injuring no one else or breaking any laws. And I'm sure the Duggar's children are well-aware of the "real world" and have made the decision to live as they do. At least they are as aware of "reality" as any child raised on the other extreme spectrum consisting of uber wealth and privilege. If anyone were to ask me "who do you admire more...the Duggars or the Kardashians," or, "who would you want as neighbors," I know who I would choose, and it wouldn't be the latter.

So those are the only two options -- raise your kids in a cult like the Duggars or encourage them to join gangs?{#emotions_dlg.blink} I don't see anyone advocating that we teach kids to wreak havoc on society or to have multiple babies at 14 or 15.

There is nothing real about any of those reality show families. They're all publicity hos who have sold their souls for the almighty dollar.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. ~ Desmond Tutu
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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

I keep thinking, with that many children, that the law of averages says ONE of them, at least, will go off the reservation!!


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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

Their courting just seems like arranged marriage to me. Josh and Anna barely knew each other and didn't even live near each other. Could have swore they only met a few times one episode said.

I just think it's a weird way to find 'true' love.

Yes I am guilty of watching this show. They sometimes fascinate me.

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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/4/2014 hyacinth003 said:

I keep thinking, with that many children, that the law of averages says ONE of them, at least, will go off the reservation!!


The law of averages says they'll have a few gay children, too.

If so, I hope they break free and find good lives because they'll suffer greatly if they stay in the compound.

"The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself."
- Augustine

Be Vigilent
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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/4/2014 JJsMom said:
On 4/3/2014 ktlynam said:

All of this concern about "brainwashing" can be applied to any culture, religion, or group that wants to raise families according to their own values. And while I don't recommend the Duggar's situation for myself, it still remains a family's right to raise its children as it sees fit according to its morals and values (and is within the law, of course).

I consider it brainwashing for a family to raise its children to believe that the world revolves around them, that they have a right to wreak havoc on society, join gangs, have multiple babies at 14 and 15 years of age over multiple generations for society to support, worship all kinds of spirits and mythical figures, foment hatred or disrespect for other races, etc.

"Being concerned" or "worried" about how children are being raised would be better directed towards those being raised in poverty, neglect, violence, abuse and irresponsibility than of those raised in homes with love, respect for family and others, supporting oneself, sense of responsibility, and who are injuring no one else or breaking any laws. And I'm sure the Duggar's children are well-aware of the "real world" and have made the decision to live as they do. At least they are as aware of "reality" as any child raised on the other extreme spectrum consisting of uber wealth and privilege. If anyone were to ask me "who do you admire more...the Duggars or the Kardashians," or, "who would you want as neighbors," I know who I would choose, and it wouldn't be the latter.

So those are the only two options -- raise your kids in a cult like the Duggars or encourage them to join gangs?{#emotions_dlg.blink} I don't see anyone advocating that we teach kids to wreak havoc on society or to have multiple babies at 14 or 15.

There is nothing real about any of those reality show families. They're all publicity hos who have sold their souls for the almighty dollar.

Of course not, and I never said they were the only two options.

And yes, there are families who advocate never saying "No" to their children, never allow anyone else to say "no" to them, and allow them to run rampant wherever they are, and call it "cute" or totally ignore them. They know their children run the streets and join gangs (some are gang members themselves). And yes, there are families who find absolutely nothing wrong with their young teens giving birth to babies over and over again and see nothing wrong with it as long as they can receive state support for them every month.

I lived in it for decades, I experienced it first hand when teaching.

And while there is a lot of editing and added emphasis/coloring for drama in reality shows, there is also much truth in the story being told, whether the show is focusing on Little People, the Duck Dynasty clan, the Duggars, the Honey Boo-Boo family, the families who do shows on their Polygamy lifestyles, the Toddlers and Tiara families, or any of the others. And while you claim they are all publicity hos, there are obviously a lot of Johns willing to pay to watch them.

Money doesn't talk; it swears. --Bob Dylan
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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/4/2014 hyacinth003 said:

I keep thinking, with that many children, that the law of averages says ONE of them, at least, will go off the reservation!!


nice................real nice {#emotions_dlg.angry}.........................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/4/2014 ktlynam said:
On 4/4/2014 JJsMom said:
On 4/3/2014 ktlynam said:

All of this concern about "brainwashing" can be applied to any culture, religion, or group that wants to raise families according to their own values. And while I don't recommend the Duggar's situation for myself, it still remains a family's right to raise its children as it sees fit according to its morals and values (and is within the law, of course).

I consider it brainwashing for a family to raise its children to believe that the world revolves around them, that they have a right to wreak havoc on society, join gangs, have multiple babies at 14 and 15 years of age over multiple generations for society to support, worship all kinds of spirits and mythical figures, foment hatred or disrespect for other races, etc.

"Being concerned" or "worried" about how children are being raised would be better directed towards those being raised in poverty, neglect, violence, abuse and irresponsibility than of those raised in homes with love, respect for family and others, supporting oneself, sense of responsibility, and who are injuring no one else or breaking any laws. And I'm sure the Duggar's children are well-aware of the "real world" and have made the decision to live as they do. At least they are as aware of "reality" as any child raised on the other extreme spectrum consisting of uber wealth and privilege. If anyone were to ask me "who do you admire more...the Duggars or the Kardashians," or, "who would you want as neighbors," I know who I would choose, and it wouldn't be the latter.

So those are the only two options -- raise your kids in a cult like the Duggars or encourage them to join gangs?{#emotions_dlg.blink} I don't see anyone advocating that we teach kids to wreak havoc on society or to have multiple babies at 14 or 15.

There is nothing real about any of those reality show families. They're all publicity hos who have sold their souls for the almighty dollar.

Of course not, and I never said they were the only two options.

And yes, there are families who advocate never saying "No" to their children, never allow anyone else to say "no" to them, and allow them to run rampant wherever they are, and call it "cute" or totally ignore them. They know their children run the streets and join gangs (some are gang members themselves). And yes, there are families who find absolutely nothing wrong with their young teens giving birth to babies over and over again and see nothing wrong with it as long as they can receive state support for them every month.

I lived in it for decades, I experienced it first hand when teaching.

And while there is a lot of editing and added emphasis/coloring for drama in reality shows, there is also much truth in the story being told, whether the show is focusing on Little People, the Duck Dynasty clan, the Duggars, the Honey Boo-Boo family, the families who do shows on their Polygamy lifestyles, the Toddlers and Tiara families, or any of the others. And while you claim they are all publicity hos, there are obviously a lot of Johns willing to pay to watch them.

Actually, When that "mountian men" reality show was on with those so-called mountian men who survived only on the land, one of the "men" were on a talk show and the host flat out ask him if he really lived like that and his response was "Only while filming" he went on to say although there are people who really do live like that, His part was totally scripted and he lived in a nice warm house like other people. He also said, that he thought MOST people relized that the reality shows where scripted down to the letter
. I DO NOT watch any reality shows, but I do think that MOST people would find MOST people EVERYDAY lives to be quite boring..thus the scripting and how do the cameras know just where someone is going to be if it isn't pre planned? JUST MY OPINION..

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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

I think they are worse in real life.

They hand out literature and preach and encourage people to live like they do.

That isn't shown on their TV show.

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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/7/2014 brii said:

I think they are worse in real life.

They hand out literature and preach and encourage people to live like they do.

That isn't shown on their TV show.

I think they have a lot to do with the editing of their show, unlike some of the other programs on TLC.