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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

One of Jessa's brothers asked the brother-in-law-to-be if he was going to be able to support his sister installing windshields.

I also saw the clip about another sister (Jill, maybe) announcing that she might be in love with someone she has never met. That story line should prove to be interesting. She however, is one of the girls studying to become a midwife. Wonder if she'll have to give that up for some gem she met on line.

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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/3/2014 Irshgrl31201 said:
On 4/3/2014 Marienkaefer2 said:

Btw, the Kardashians also live in their own world. Totally opposite the Duggars, but just as removed from average life.

Exactly. I see them as being no more prepared for "the real world" than the Duggar children are.

Pretty much what I stated in my earlier post. But for some reason, this same type of "concern" and hand-wringing isn't ever applied to the children of celebrities or ultra-wealthy families.

I suspect what is really happening whenever these Duggar-bashing posts are brought up is actually an opportunity to snark and b***h about them because of their conservative and religious views. The fervor of the posts suggests not any real "concern" about how the kids are being raised, but more an opening to criticize that family's choice of faith.

I love to use an old bumper-sticker saying to people who can't seem to help themselves from judging other people's family choices: "Focus on Your Own (D**N) Family"!!

Money doesn't talk; it swears. --Bob Dylan
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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/3/2014 colliemom3 said:

Women like Michelle Duggar and Octomom have an inordinate amount of children because of "baby hunger". Psychologists say that there are many women who continuously get pregnant because they crave infants. Once their children leave infancy, they miss this and have another child. This is a form of mental illness. These women keep on having infants to the neglect of the older children. This is what Michelle Duggar has done. She is neglecting the older children to continuously have infants to satisfy her "baby hunger". It is evident that the oldest children in the family are neglected and relegated to the status of servant to the parents and to the younger siblings. The older children really have no childhoods and I feel this is abuse. They certainly have enough money for a nanny but would never hire one.

No, actually in an interview with Michelle and her husband a while ago, they both stated that the number of children they are choosing to have is based on some kind of fundamental biblical belief of having a "Quiver Full." I cannot remember the exact name, but you can look it up.

OctoMom definitely has a mental illness. And I guess some people would agree with you that Christianity (or belief in any kind of a religion based on a "God" or Creator) is a kind of mental illness, but that is an entire other debate. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Money doesn't talk; it swears. --Bob Dylan
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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

congrats to the Duggar daughters, I hope they find their soul mates and live long happy lives together.......................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎03-31-2014

Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

Don't any of those people have any privacy? MUST they broadcast their every move? (I don't watch much; it makes me feel kind of skeevy, like a voyeur.)

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎03-31-2014

Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/3/2014 JJsMom said:

They are a disgusting family. They are such hypocrites, pimping out their families and giving TMI all the while acting so holier than thou. Blech.


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Registered: ‎09-10-2010

Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/3/2014 Jannabelle said:
On 4/3/2014 wowee said:
On 4/3/2014 Jannabelle said:
On 4/3/2014 shorelady said:

As with most reality shows, you only see what they want you to see. The "they" most likely means the Duggars themselves since they have an image to live up to, and the producers who want the show to appear to be interesting. I find them all to be cookie cutter images of each other with no room for individuality.

Daddy Duggar creeps me out for some reason, especially that laugh of his. Reminds me of the old cartoons where the villain had the long handlebar mustache that he continually twirled! And Mom, well, her balloon will never land.

I find them to be phony in preaching their morals and ideals. They don't let the children watch TV, yet they are making money from being on the media they disdain. Someone did ask them that question, they answered by saying that they just wanted to share their lives with others. I don't remember anyone asking them to!

I heard them say a long time ago, that people were interested in how they live, with so many to care for. It is interesting to see how they cook, shop, provide for so many. That is why they started the show and people must like to watch, I think they had 15 or 16 when it started.

With the dough they are racking in now, we all know how they survive..And I wonder how many of the boys who come "courting" are just looking at the dollar signs$$$$$ Also, if you are NEVER left alone, how is it that you GET to know someone? And with all the morals they have why do they care if anyone else knows "how they survive"

I don't know, I just know this show has been on a long time, while I do not live their life style I respect their right to live their lives in the way they choose.

If no one watched it, it would have been gone long, long ago.

So true, I have never watched it, just "heard" about it, but I have always wondered how much of it is "just for show" and how they really live their lives.

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Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/4/2014 wowee said:
On 4/3/2014 Jannabelle said:
On 4/3/2014 wowee said:
On 4/3/2014 Jannabelle said:
On 4/3/2014 shorelady said:

As with most reality shows, you only see what they want you to see. The "they" most likely means the Duggars themselves since they have an image to live up to, and the producers who want the show to appear to be interesting. I find them all to be cookie cutter images of each other with no room for individuality.

Daddy Duggar creeps me out for some reason, especially that laugh of his. Reminds me of the old cartoons where the villain had the long handlebar mustache that he continually twirled! And Mom, well, her balloon will never land.

I find them to be phony in preaching their morals and ideals. They don't let the children watch TV, yet they are making money from being on the media they disdain. Someone did ask them that question, they answered by saying that they just wanted to share their lives with others. I don't remember anyone asking them to!

I heard them say a long time ago, that people were interested in how they live, with so many to care for. It is interesting to see how they cook, shop, provide for so many. That is why they started the show and people must like to watch, I think they had 15 or 16 when it started.

With the dough they are racking in now, we all know how they survive..And I wonder how many of the boys who come "courting" are just looking at the dollar signs$$$$$ Also, if you are NEVER left alone, how is it that you GET to know someone? And with all the morals they have why do they care if anyone else knows "how they survive"

I don't know, I just know this show has been on a long time, while I do not live their life style I respect their right to live their lives in the way they choose.

If no one watched it, it would have been gone long, long ago.

So true, I have never watched it, just "heard" about it, but I have always wondered how much of it is "just for show" and how they really live their lives.

I am pretty sure you are not alone, I think many of the comments made are from people who have not watched, but have heard of them.....I am also certain that should any of the kids, or adults for that matter did anything contrary to their beliefs, it would be reported, do you think so?
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

I am pretty sure you are not alone, I think many of the comments made are from people who have not watched, but have heard of them.....I am also certain that should any of the kids, or adults for that matter did anything contrary to their beliefs, it would be reported, do you think so?

Absolutely not. That would then tarnish the perfect family image they have managed to create, thus making them just like the rest of us, warts and all! JMO, but I think the kids would be too frightened to stray from the beliefs engrained in them since birth.

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Registered: ‎03-01-2013

Re: 19 Kids and COURTING lol

On 4/3/2014 blackbirdraven said:

congrats to the Duggar daughters, I hope they find their soul mates and live long happy lives together.......................................raven
