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10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

The future is here. I imagine it will be popular for many reasons....and they say make driving safer overall.  Here is a very good article on it

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

There is no way I'd buy an auto like this that takes away from me my driving control.


If I were in the market for a new vehicle Im pretty sure I'd be in trouble finding a car that actually didn't have the bells and whistles that vehicles have these days.

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

[ Edited ]

I still LOVE my 25 year old Caprice Classic. The most dependable car we still own. I wonder what the prices would be on those cars and can you imagine what will happen  (not if) when the self driving feature malfunctions? Would I trust my family to these cars? Are humans going to get even lazier? I think we place wayyyyyyy too much trust in modern technology. I dont own a cell phone, no I-pads and am semi off grid. I get on this one main desk computer to keep in touch with outside world and am happy I dont live near so many humans that I would ever experience a "rush hour" Ughhh

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

In less than 4 years they will sell 2.5 million per yr when they're not in mainsream assembly plants, yet?


And who is going to buy them? The college grads working at Starbucks for $10/hr?


More junque hype like Google Glass which was such a big hit.

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

@PINKdogWOOD Well I am about to get a new car.  I was in a car accident a few years ago.  They fixed my car perfectly, but (since it wasn't my fault) the one thing I wanted was to get a new car.  I just put it off until now.


I know what you mean about bells and whistles.  My friend bought a 2015 Acura and it has that stupid starter where you don't need a key.  Ugh!


I am pretty sure I want an Acura (like I now have) but I HATE that no key thing!  I've asked and according to the dealers you must buy it that way.


I like gadgets on cars and the one I want will have everything you can get on a car.  However, it's the keyless thing I don't want.  Another thing I found out when I helped my friend pick out her car is that with most cars these days you are severely limited on color.  The colors are boring.


Anyway, it's just a matter of rounding up my son-in-law to go with me when I get the car (he was with me when I got my 2006) and he has the patience of Jesus (Ha) dealing with me.


My late husband had a dealers license because he dealt with dealerships.  He'd go to the car auction where they auction off brand new cars (some have 0 mileage).  I've driven lots of different cars over the years.  Some are better to drive than others.


I have never put my car in automatic drive (cruise control).  I am a driver that needs to pay total attention to the road.  Some people seem to think they can do anything while driving.  I guess maybe I'm not that dumb because I know (at least for me) I need to pay total attention to the road and the car I'm driving.  That means both hands on the wheel and looking ahead.

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

I think there will be big advantages to self-driving cars.  Just put in an address and it will take there.  I would love that!  There would be less DUI's because the car would take the drunks home.  Elderly people would not have to give up their freedom at a certain age.

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

[ Edited ]

How if  these cars malfubction?


I like my old cars.

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

@DiAnne wrote:

I think there will be big advantages to self-driving cars.  Just put in an address and it will take there.  I would love that!  There would be less DUI's because the car would take the drunks home.  Elderly people would not have to give up their freedom at a certain age.


 How if you have errands? How if you want to go another way instead of their map?


I can imagine these doors can lock you in.

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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

@DiAnne wrote:

I think there will be big advantages to self-driving cars.  Just put in an address and it will take there.  I would love that!  There would be less DUI's because the car would take the drunks home.  Elderly people would not have to give up their freedom at a certain age.

Yes! I always found it very sad when the children of seniors are forced to take the keys away from their parents because they've become a danger on the road. It's a burden on the entire family and the elderly don't wish that. With self-driving vehicles seniors can hold on to their independence longer. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds. I think its very exciting. 

_____ ,,,^ ._. ^,,,_____
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Re: 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

@missy1 wrote:

@DiAnne wrote:

I think there will be big advantages to self-driving cars.  Just put in an address and it will take there.  I would love that!  There would be less DUI's because the car would take the drunks home.  Elderly people would not have to give up their freedom at a certain age.


 How if you have errands? How if you want to go another way instead of their map?


I can imagine these doors can lock you in.

You can stop the car anytime.

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