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What's so funny by Tim Conway

[ Edited ]
I just finished reading this book. Have enjoyed his work for years including his years with Carol. I wasn't even aware that he had passed of Altheimer's. Big court battle over his care in his last days between his current wife and his oldest daughter. So, so sad. Daughter had to go to court to even be allowed to see his in his last weeks. Wife put him in a home and daughter wanted to care for him at home. She wanted nothing monetary, just wanted to take care of him in privacy with respect to him. Anyway, an enjoyable read. Such a sweet man who didn't say a bad word about anybody. Just shared all the wonderful people who he loved during his life and work.
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Re: What's so funny by Tim Conway

I always enjoyed Tim Conway's humor, he always made me laugh and that in itself is a gift.  I knew he passed from alzheimer's and it is sad about what his daughter is going through, hopefully it will be a good result for her.  Tim's time on the Carol Burnettt show was the best and I am sure the book was filled with insight into a gentleman who made us laugh.

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Re: What's so funny by Tim Conway

@cody2 , Tim Conway was laugh out loud funny.  I used to watch The Carol Brunnet show with my mother and he and Harvey used to be such a great act.  

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Re: What's so funny by Tim Conway

When I was in college I was a server at a local resturant here in western PA.  It was late in the evening and I was getting ready to clock out and my manager came to me and asked me to stay for a private party coming in for a late dinner.  We had an imtimate room with a fire place for smaller parties.  I said yes to staying late,  but my manager wouldn't give any more details.  To my surprise it was Tim Conway and Harvey Korman. They were with some other actors and directors that  had been playing at a local theater that night.  I was totally in shock as a little girl I remember them from the Carol Burnette show.  They were so funny and warm.  It was one of my favorite nights to remember, and yes they were excellent tippers!!

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Re: What's so funny by Tim Conway

@cody2 Thanks for the recommendation! 

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Re: What's so funny by Tim Conway

Well I think that's a book I could enjoy, thanks for mentioning