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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

I am reading The Silent Corner by Dean Koontz.  I am about 100+ pages in of the 510 page book and I’m not really feeling it.  This is the first book by this author for me.  I find the pace really slow.  Thinking I might PTB unless someone tells this picks up.  It gets good reviews but so far I’m not impressed.  LM

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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

[ Edited ]

@Lilysmom wrote:

I am reading The Silent Corner by Dean Koontz.  I am about 100+ pages in of the 510 page book and I’m not really feeling it.  This is the first book by this author for me.  I find the pace really slow.  Thinking I might PTB unless someone tells this picks up.  It gets good reviews but so far I’m not impressed.  LM

@Lilysmom  I read the book but had to go on Goodreads to see what I rated it.  I rated it a three but really it should have been a two.  I remember it was just ok.  I don't plan to read any more in the series.  


When I went to Goodreads, I realized I might be over rating my books.  Their 2 means it's just ok and I've always thought that was a 3.


ETAa;  Because I don't really remember much about it, I have the feeling I must have skimmed a lot of it.

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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

@smoky22, thank you for the rescue!!!  I'm done with that.  Now I am in search of November Road.  LM

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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

@Kjelle  After you have the opportunity to read The History of Art in 57 Works, I'd be interested in reading your thoughts on it. With my workload at my job this year, I have very little time to read and choose carefully for the time I do have. My first degree was a BA in Art History, and I've read The History of the World in 6 Glasses and found it to be interesting nonfiction. TIA

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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

@Lilysmom wrote:

I am reading The Silent Corner by Dean Koontz.  I am about 100+ pages in of the 510 page book and I’m not really feeling it.  This is the first book by this author for me.  I find the pace really slow.  Thinking I might PTB unless someone tells this picks up.  It gets good reviews but so far I’m not impressed.  LM

@Lilysmombefore you give up on Koontz completely I would recommend trying some of his earlier books. My favorite is Watchers. I read it many years ago so I hope it still holds up. I know there are mixed reviews on this later series that he is writing now including The Silent Corner. I have not tried any of them yet myself but have read quite a few or his earlier books and enjoyed them.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
Groucho Marx
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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

@abbalulu, thanks for chiming in.  I think I will fast forward to the last 50 pages to see how this one ends.  It is one of those books where the main character is on a cross country quest.  Four hundred more pages of the cross country jaunt is not in my future but I can take 50😊.


I will try Watchers and let you know what I think.  I believe we have similar reading tastes as I always look for your posts,  Thanks for the tip.  Too early to give up yet!  LM

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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

@beckyb1012 I am also very near finishing the book, and I too love it, I was notified this morning that the third book is ready to pick up but do not have a free day until Friday, after reading the second one and enjoying it as much as I have I want to dive into the third one!

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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

[ Edited ]



The Witch Elm is one of the books I returned pretty quickly!  I was looking forward to reading it.  Maybe I'll try again in a few months.



I'm reading The Immortalists.  I'm intrigued by the thought of knowing the date you will die.  But Simon is really pushing it!Woman Surprised


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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

I read Death of a Neighborhood Scrooge by Laura Levine.  Very funny, very enjoyable.  Nice light reading. 

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Re: What Are You Reading? January 2019 Happy New Year!

@Lilysmom  I just wanted to say that I agree with @abbalulu about some of Dean Koontz's earlier books.  He was more into the supernatural then.  Watchers was one I liked.