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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

@DiAnne I really enjoyed The Marriage of Opposites, too.  A book like this makes you happy to live during a time when women have more control over their lives.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

I finished Royal Flush, the 3rd in the Royal Spyness series.  Cute.


Then bluegate fields, the 6th in the Thomas/Charlotte Pitt series.  So far I still prefer the characters in the Wm. Monk series.


And of course, I finished A Man Called Ove, a curmudgeon after my own heart.  Deceptively simple, the book is funny, sad, surprising, and most of all, very enjoyable.  As one reviewer said, if there is an award for Most Charming Book of the Year, this would be it.   I've put Fredrik Backman's next book on hold, My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry.


@LoriLori I just started Slade House (David Mitchell).  It's described as a reality-warping version of the haunted house story.  I loved his book The Bone Clocks and I like that this one is much shorter.  I have high hopes for it.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

I'm reading The Fortune Hunter by Daisy Goodwin.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

I am halfway through Who Do You Love by Jennifer Weiner. Do not think it is one of her best, maybe it is me as I stocked up at our last library sale and I am looking forward to some lovely long days with nothing to do but read. Too many other things to do right now, so am rushing through regular library books. 

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

[ Edited ]

@princessrcate wrote:

Will you let me know how the The Royal We is when you are done? I have a request for that book at the library and should get it soon. I am at a loss for finding a good book lately......just can't seem to sink my teeth into anything!


I finished  The Royal We and I definitely recommend it.  It's a romance novel, but not particularly lovey-dovey and not graphic. The characters are well-developed and there are no dull moments.  I have laughed out loud, messy cried (in the middle of the book of all places), gotten angry at the characters, got over it, and in the end, wanted more!  

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

Right now I am reading Remember Me, by Mary Higgins Clark... Almost finished and then I will start Girl on a Train!!!!!!

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

I'm re-reading John Sandford's "Prey Series" starting with Winter Prey. This series features Lucas Davenport as a high-profile cop in Minneapolis solving a complicated murder (or kidnapping) in each book. Sandford has given Lucas some amazing side-kicks to help, one of which is Virgil Flowers who has "moved on" to his own series based in south Minnesota. Great reading by a great author if you enjoy contemporary murder mysteries.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

@Starlagirl wrote:

I just finished The Mistletoe Inn by Richard Paul Evans.  A light holiday read but I enjoyed it.  I try to read something of his every year during Christmas...


I saw the twist coming a mile away, but I still liked the characters and had fun with the journey.  His books always make me good.

I just finished this one too. I agree there weren't any real surprises in the story but there don't always need to be either. Like Starlagirl said it was a light holiday read.


One thing I did think was interesting was how the author brought his previous work into the story. The main character is an aspiring writer and he makes her appear to be the author of the "The Mistletoe Promise" and even tells a bit about the books premise. Very sneaky. JK! Smiley Happy
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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

[ Edited ]

It looks like I am the odd woman out by not caring much for Grisham's latest:  ROGUE LAWYER.  It definitely struck me as the set-up for a continuing character.


Next up is THE MAN CALLED OVE.  I have high hopes for this one.

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Re: What Are You Reading --- December 2015

Five books came in at the same time for me! I have the new Danielle Steel romance, "PRECIOUS GIFTS", and then four various new cozy mysteries: "A LIKELY STORY" by Jenn McKinlay (librarian series), "AWAY IN A MANGER" by Rhys Bowen (Molly Murphy series), "THE HAUNTED SEASON" by G. M. Malliet (Father Max series), and "FROM BAD TO WURST" by Maddy Hunter (Passport to Peril Traveling Seniors series). Which to read first? Decisions, decisions...