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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

who do you think is the target audience for this program,


half way through and I might not last the rest

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

@jackthebear wrote:

who do you think is the target audience for this program,


half way through and I might not last the rest


Wild guess:  People who love to read???


I loved it.  Not my list but no way would anyone have chosen every book on the list.  I learned about some books I've passed up in life and a small few I've never heard of.  I was reminded of books like "Call of the Wild" that I read in school and deserve a second look now.  Win/win/win/win.

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

@LoriLori wrote:

@smoky22 wrote:

@LoriLori  I went through the list and question even that they are the "best loved."  Who voted, indeed.  I don't plan to watch (unless you watch and then tell me I should have watched, lol).  Maybe they will explain how these books got on the list.    


@smoky22in case my point was lost in my forest of words LOL:  I watched and I'm telling you you should watch.  It opens with the author of Game of Thrones, something I've never read or watched and never would, and he had me at hello.  It's all about the love of books and impact of books and I was rapt and cried a few times.

@LoriLori  I finally watched one of the reruns of this and it was fascinating.  I agree with everything you said about George R. R. Martin.  He was so inspirational.  There are several books I now want to read that I had never heard of.  I don't know how you could pick one favorite book. My only complaint is Meredith Viera coming on every 5 minutes or so telling us we needed to vote.  The show would have been at least 1/2 hour shorter without that.  And I hope she did this stint as charity work.  I would hate to think that PBS dollars went to pay her.


I am glad you told me to watch!       

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

I thought the show was well-done and valuable. Certainly, there are books listed that make me wonder why--but the list is not just for me!


I like that we were exposed to a huge variety of reading material; I'm going to get a bit out of my comfort zone and explore some other areas.

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

Has anyone been voting?  And if you have, what have you voted for?


Every day I vote for "The Great Gatsby."

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

Oh @LoriLori  I don't get your love for The Great Gatsby (lol), a book I think is just ok.  I haven't been voting, but you reminded me, so today I voted for Great Expectations.  Tomorrow I plan to vote for Rebecca.  The next day I plan to vote for Grapes of Wrath.  I don't know about the day after that.  I think I need to read a couple of the books on the list.  Who knows, I might end up voting for a book I haven't even read yet.  ( If The Great Gatsby wins, I'll know why.)

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

A ridiculous fact (to me) is that you can vote every day, and vote for as many as you like!

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

@insomniac2 wrote:

A ridiculous fact (to me) is that you can vote every day, and vote for as many as you like!


@insomniac2  I totally agree with you!

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

I watched the show.  Not sure what will happen in September, but the constant reference to the website was too much.  I work in a bookstore where we set up a shelf of quite a few of the selected books which we had available, and there isn't a lot of interest.  Seems odd to have kids' and adult books competing against each other.....Charlotte's Web vs. Outlander is almost funny.  But it's just for fun, to interest people in reading and sharing other people's favorite books, so it's ok.  

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Re: The Great American Read starts tonight on PBS

@Another new name Sue wrote:

I watched the show.  Not sure what will happen in September, but the constant reference to the website was too much.  I work in a bookstore where we set up a shelf of quite a few of the selected books which we had available, and there isn't a lot of interest.  Seems odd to have kids' and adult books competing against each other.....Charlotte's Web vs. Outlander is almost funny.  But it's just for fun, to interest people in reading and sharing other people's favorite books, so it's ok.  


I agree, and when it resumes on September 11th there will be the endless pledge breaks and entreaties for money.  That's what it's all about.  Still it's books and I'm in, ITA with your post.  As for little interest they haven't promoted the show, I kind of stumbled onto it, but once it begins airing please check back, I'm wondering if the interest level will soar or not.