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I recently read a Balducci book for the first time. I purchased The Guilty, part of the Will Robie series. I enjoyed the writing and short chapters (much like Patterson does), and quick moving of the storyline. So much so that I purchased the other four in the series and in one day read half of The Innocent, and am eager to finish it and move on to the rest of this series (The Hit, The Target, and The End Game).


My question to those of you who may have read Balducci books is this: Are his other series as well written, interesting, and fast paced as the Will Robie series? He has the John Puller series, the Mystery Man series, and the King & Maxwell series.


As one who was sad to finish the last of the Jeffrey Archer books in the Clifton Chronicles, I was pleased to stumble upon Balducci's book quite by accident.


Can I anticipate the same reaction to his other series?


Thanks for any insight you might be able to give me on this author and his other series.

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I have read all of Balducci's books.  I can say that they are all as fast-paced as what you have already read, regardless of who the main characters are.

Posts: 72
Registered: ‎06-14-2010

I have read them all!!!  Yes, they are exciting and well written.  My favorite series was the John Puller series.....get them all, you will ejoy them.  The King and Maxwell series are another favorite of mine.  I wait and wait for his next book, purchase it and head home and set up in the family room with a nice cup of coffee and have a ball!!  


If you are looking for another good author, try Lee Childs.  His Jack Reacher books are hard to beat.  

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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

@SisterSisto and @Stevie Nix I noticed on Amazon that he also has some stand-alone books. Have you tried those too or just his series? Am curious if this style is throughout any type of writing he does or just the series.


The Will Robie series is about a government person who is quite good with a gun! ha! That is perhaps too simplified, but you get what I mean. What are the other series about without giving away too many details?

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You might also try the Camel Club series by Balducci.

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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

@pateacher Thanks for the suggestion. Didn't see that one. What is that basically about?

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My favorite author!  Highly recommend The Winner.  

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I love David BALDACCI's books! He has a new series started coming in November: Long Road to Mercy. I have pre-ordered it because I am such a fan!  I think my favorite is Absolute Power. It's a stand alone novel, but his series are soooo good.

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I've read every book he's written! My new favorite series is the Memory Man series.

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I enjoy Balducci.  Use to love Patterson, but not so much lately.  You might like Harlan Coben.  Ive read almost all his books.  I really enjoy them the most.