
My Idea of The Good Life!

by on ‎04-07-2016 04:45 PM

Hi there, My Loves!


I can't even tell you how truly honored I am that I get to spend the whole day with you on April 11 to celebrate one of the best Today's Special Values I have ever done! It has been a little while, but honestly, QVC is my home and I feel like we haven't skipped a beat!


As a celebrity makeup artist, I have had the incredible blessing of being able to travel the world with the most talented and beautiful stars on the planet today. I have seen so much...the best hotels, the most luxurious homes, the most high tech private planes and cars, the most expensive clothes and beauty products, the most priceless jewelry. Most people would definitely see this as the definition of "The Good Life." And yes, while these things are great and can definitely make life sometimes a little more plush or convenient, a truly Good Life is much much MUCH more. 


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Before I turned one year old, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and was given 6 months to live. She, through her sheer will and her unwavering faith in God, ended up living til I was 17. My Daddy tells me now "She always said, 'I just had this beautiful baby girl. I'm not going ANYWHERE til I see her grow up." In our short time together, we lived a lifetime of love, happiness, joy and laughter. Her philosophy was "We shall live every day as if it is our last." And boy, did we. When she finally went to go be with The Lord, we said all we had to say and did all we had to least in the time we were given.  Very early, one definition of the good life was unveiled to me: being grateful for every single moment of life, appreciating it and milking it for all it was worth!


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In my time, I have had the blessing of experiencing firsthand what the true meaning of "The Good Life" is to me.  My family, my friends, helping others, serving my faith, love, laughter, peace, kindness. Meeting and marrying the man of my dreams, giving birth to three beautiful and smart daughters, being a friend and lifting others up, building a brand that's philosophy is to celebrate and empower people to look and feel their preach the word that your "Most gorgois days are ahead of you!"...these things inspire me and I am honored to call this my life.

I implore you today to ask yourself, "what is my definition of "the good life?" What do you want? What moves you? What inspires you? Who do you love? There is no wrong answer. Let this be your motivation to keep going when things get rough.


I want to thank you, My Loves. Thank you for allowing me to even be just a small part of your lives. Thank you for being my true inspiration to keep fighting and keep getting better. Thank you for amazing me every day with YOUR beauty and kindness. Thank you for keeping me strong when I felt like giving up.  Together, I pray we can continue to  love, learn, laugh in absolute health and light and with all our hearts, live the real, true, Good Life.


I love you!

