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Registered: ‎05-04-2014

Re: shaving the tops of your arms

No. I barely have hair on my arms so I don’t need to shave them. I know of some girls who do though.

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Re: shaving the tops of your arms


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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

Why is it ok to have hair on arms but not on legs? Arms are more visible. That being said, last summer I started epilating my arms along with my legs. I only do in in summer months, in the winter I need all the fur I can have to keep warm. And yes hair grows thicker in winter. This winter was the first one I ever notices more body hair. Maybe it was because this was our worst winter ever.

Forearms, lower legs and arm pits.

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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

Wow. There are some drama queens on here for sure. No one said having hair on their arms was a capital offense. No one is falling for whatever industry dictates.

I have thick hair on my arms. It's medium to darker blonde so it's not super dark but there is a lot of it. I hate it. I hate the way it looks and I hate it being pulled by my bracelets. So while I don't shave my arms, I use Nair on them every couple of weeks.

If you want to look at this the way some of you have, why do you shave your legs if you think the hair is fine? When did it become a capital offense to have gray hair? When did it become a capital offense to have a unibrow or be fresh faced without make-up?

We all do what we want to do for ourselves so that we feel good about how we look. For some of us, that includes hair removal on our arms. It's really not a big deal.

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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

I never realized women shaved their arms. I don't and probably never would as I don't see it to be an eyesore anyway.

I shave my legs and underarms though.

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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

Yes, I've been doing it for many years.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

I have a little very sparse, very blonde hair on my forearms. You really can't see it except in certain light. I keep some Nair and swipe some on occasionally and you can't believe how smooth and great it looks after you do that! So, why not? It isn't any expensive or difficult thing to do. I just do it when I happen to notice it is time--not something I really think about a lot.

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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

I Nair. It lasts longer than shaving, not as "stubbly," and it doesn't always get all of the hair but seems to thin out what's left so it looks natural

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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

Nope, because I'd have to do it all the time and I don't see the point. Back in the 80s, I knew a girl who shaved everything but the hair on the TOP of her head. I specify top of the head, because she also shaved her eyebrows off and drew them on every day with a pencil.

I don't think it's common, but I know some swimmers who do it.

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Re: shaving the tops of your arms

I would never shave them. Use a hair removal lotion yes, but shave never.