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i'm On A No Buy For Skincare

I've decided to put myself on a no buy for skincare products! I have a ridiculous amount of various products I need to use up. When I have I think I'll buy Olay products. They make really good skincare products and are more reasonably priced than what I currently have been purchasing.

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Re: i'm On A No Buy For Skincare

I just asked about Olay last week. My SIL has used it for years, and she looks fabulous! Hope your skin likes it, too!


Even I am surprised with what my skin can do very nicely without!


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Re: i'm On A No Buy For Skincare

I tried several olay products some years ago because they do get good marks on much of their skincare but I just found the fragrance in it a bit much. Also they are not cruelty free so I don't use it at all anymore.


I hear Alpha Hydroxy line is really really good and reasonably AND cruelty free. Have you thought of that line? The brand gets really good reviews too, even better than olay.

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Re: i'm On A No Buy For Skincare

Good for you!  I wish I could find products that do what I need, then I would quit buying stuff, too!!!


I cannot abide fragrance in my skincare at all.  Yesterday morning I was at a drugstore looking for something different to cleanse my face.  I would find something and think --- ha -- this is it!  Then, see that "fragrance" was on the list of ingredients.  Why must fragrance be added to almost everything?  Why is it necessary to have fragrance added to facial products?  


I mean I realize not everyone has issues with this, but it serves no purpose really.  It is so discouraging to find a product that you feel has all the things you need and want and then --- boom --- there it is again --- FRAGRANCE!!!   Grrrrrr!!!!



"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: i'm On A No Buy For Skincare

I used to use a couple Olay products. I did like them, especially for the price. I don't like fragrance in skincare either, but some of their products do come in an unscented version.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Registered: ‎07-21-2014

Re: i'm On A No Buy For Skincare

I too am on a no buy for skincare. I watched SKINN this weekend and actually resisted!! I have plenty of his products as well as others and have got to use them before buying more!!!

Sometimes I dont watch any of the skincare programs so I wont be tempted lol.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller