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another haircut --new stylist

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I hate my hair!!!!Woman SadSmiley Frustrated


Not going to sugar coat it--many times have been tempted to shave it all and wear a wig---I have been to at least 15 different stylists in the last 15 years after my wonderful hair girl quit the business. Paid lots of bucks for mediocore cuts. It was 6 months from my last cut---which was wretched. At DD insistance we went to her person and ---the angels are still singingWoman Happy---a decent cut!! Not the one in the photo I brought -----but this woman flat out told me--No that style won't work on your hair and here's why--then proceedded to give me a list--most of them I knew, but a few I did not. I have the perfect face shape for pixie cuts--who knew------I have a very short forehead---another who knew---so need feathery bangs---she worked around my twin cowlicks---those , I did know about---I swear ETdid that  with that extra long finger-- and showed me how to deal with them.. And the best thing--she didn't shave the back of my head, just razor cut it all, so I don't feel like I've been buzzed cut. Now this hair is in shock and will be for a few weeks but am seeing a really nice cut. And I paid LESS for all that than just a shampoo and cut from the other places. You don't get a style much less a blow dry unless you pay extra. I tipped her well and will go back Woman Wink

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Re: another haircut --new stylist

I wear my hair in a pixie cut as well.  I have found a pomade (The Barb) that makes my hair style wonderfully and can just smush it up the next day for another perfect do.  

I never used a pomade before and have to say I am hooked on this product.

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Re: another haircut --new stylist

Oh I am so happy for you that you have a hairstyle you love on yourself. It's so hard to find someone good. Enjoy!
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Re: another haircut --new stylist

@wagirl ...........I dont know what you mean by your hair is in shock.  If you mean its out of control, do you use styling products?

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Re: another haircut --new stylist

Oh that is great, @wagirl !  Now have DD take pictures from all angles so you will always have a reference to remind the stylist, or in case you need to go to another stylist, of the cut and style if need be.

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Re: another haircut --new stylist



A pixie looks So chic and smart!  Wonderful!!!

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Re: another haircut --new stylist

@wagirl   So happy that you're happy!!


Ah, a pixie go to until I grew it out to a curly bob. Loved to use styling paste ("butch wax" in the old days) to spike it up a bit just for kicks and giggles. Enjoy your new stylist and hope she stays around for you. Sounds like a match made in heaven.

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Re: another haircut --new stylist

@wagirl That is wonderful! I'm glad you found a good cut for you & you like the stylist!

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Re: another haircut --new stylist

@Imaoldhippie --for me -there is a 2 week period of time where, after a cut, my hair kind of freaks out and no matter what I do to it-- even the normal stuff I did before, my hair does not obey me and does it's own thing. And then it settles down and I can style it to the new cut. You have never experienced that? I say that alot and get the same nod of agreement. 

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Re: another haircut --new stylist

@Shanus ---well---- there are 2 things  that are the "boss" in my life.--- #1 is my 14yr old catCat Wink and the other is my hairWoman Frustrated Have never had great hair but after chemo it truly took on a new path of  annoyance---became even more straight, thin and ---with weird fly away wings at my temples as well as those dang cowlicks--the color is really nice however. Could never grow it out much beyond my jawline,  before it started to bother the bejeezus outta me. And I do like pixie cuts and also have some butch wax . As well as bottles of hair spray ----which I am all about too----what is the saying---the higher  the hair the closer to God---