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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

I didn't see the demonstration, but I think using markers was not the best way to demo a foundation makeup.    If no one puts markers on their face, who cares whether her makeup covers them or not?    IMO, it makes no sense.   


If you're looking for a full coverage makeup, I think reading others' reviews will tell you what you want to know.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

I didn't see the demonstration, but I think using markers was not the best way to demo a foundation makeup.    If no one puts markers on their face, who cares whether her makeup covers them or not?    IMO, it makes no sense.   


If you're looking for a full coverage makeup, I think reading others' reviews will tell you what you want to know.

She was trying to say the blue and red markers were the same as bluing and redness we may get on our skin and so she was trying to show how well her foundation can cover up redness and bluing in our skin. It is kind of a silly demo. But no more silly than others I've seen from other vendors.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

Have to say it, @Buck-i-Nana, I am VERY PARTIAL to a scientific, objective approach.


Thank you very much!

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@HappyDaze wrote:

Okay regarding the dry erase marker test with DD foundation I did it four times- twice quickly after I put the marker on my hand and twice after letting it dry for a few minutes. Every time it wiped away the marker. Every time.


I also tried the exact same test with a few other foundations I have, some which are very sheer, and all of them did the same thing- as soon as you use a foundation brush and apply the foundation, the marker "disappears". There is no way some of my sheerer foundations would ever cover that red from the marker so it clearly is breaking the color down and disappearing. If you gently try to wipe away just the top layer of foundation, you cannot see a red line anymore which tells me it is gone.


By the way, I do want to say that when I first saw Doris do the marker test, she had had it on her hand for quite awhile and then tried to cover it up and the foundation did NOT cover up the blue and red lines! She was a bit embarassed and the host, sandra I believe it was, told her perhaps it needs a bit more foundation so she applied more and rubbed rubbed rubbed with the brush and whew luckily it finally "covered" the lines. I think after that I noticed she started marking her hand just prior to adding the foundation and, perhaps but I cannot say this for sure, she started using different markers on the subsequent demos.


I am not calling any poster here a liar but I can definitively say that in my demo with dry erase markers and her foundation, it does not cover up the lines but actually removes the line with the foundation and brush. I have no agenda either- I do not dislike Doris nor do I love her. I simply have no thoughts about her personally, but I do believe the demo is not a fair one.

Thanks @HappyDaze.  I don't dislike Doris either and I have no agenda against her.  I simply did not believe her dry erase marker presentation and felt like it was deceptive.  

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

@Mellie32 I didn't think you had any agenda but I just wanted to state my stance as I know some like to accuse others of having an agenda regarding a particular brand if you like or dont like the brand or person.


Oh and I wanted to point out that I edited my post to include the part about varying up the pressure of the brush I used- one time I used light pressure, the other time I used more pressure. I do think using a brush is part of the problem with the marker disappearing. I mean, with dry erase boards you often only need a dry erase eraser to remove it so it only seems obvious that a brush would cause enough friction to remove the dry erase marker off your skin, especially in combination with a fairly emollient product like a foundation.

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Re: Why is QVC allowing Doris Dalton to deceive?

We use dry erase markers at work. Any time I have gotten a mark on my skin it has come off with a bit of hand cream. I would imagine foundation would be similar. Btw, I love Doris Dalton and use her foundation, so no agenda here either. It is simply not full coverage foundation. Perfectly fine for me as I prefer sheer to moderate coverage, but it would be disappointing to those ladies looking for more coverage.