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Those stupid sliding photos are the worst. I rarely see any differences whatsoever.  And they all use them now. Also I laugh when they read "100% of customers saw an increase in hydration after x amount of time."  Wow you mean if I put creme on my face it will be more moist?  What a concept! I've been using Acure argon oil nightly on my face and can see a lessening of my "11" lines.  It's much less expensive than Maran's.  In my late 60's I'm happy with that.


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The bottom line is to find what it is you like. We all have different skin issues and different skin types. Find your go to products and remember as you age, you will have different needs. That is the best we can do. Unless you want to go the alternative route. Some do and some don't. The people on TV are almost destroying their natural beauty. Some manage to find the good surgeon. Most don't.
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Re: Why , Oh, Why?

[ Edited ]

@reiki604 wrote:

As long as women buy into the narrative that their self worth is based on youth, beauty and size, the fantasy  they can turn back the clock with a magic potion will continue to exist. Once women embrace themselves for their intelligence, acheivements and experiences, the external and shallow values of what a woman 'should be and look like' will fade away.


I've never been one to follow trends, wear make-up, use hair tools/dyes

(Boomer hippy here!)

but as I've gotten older (WISER), the feeling of

 "contentment" with myself as certainly increased.


For One, what *others* think matters very little now.

Two, Experience in Life breeds Confidence.

Three, on this last stretch of my life-line, I will not 

Waste precious Time on Trivial Pursuits!  lol


I have racks and bins of Shop-TV clothes that I've never worn,

along with closest shelves stacked with "beauty" products.

 (For example, remember SSCs Beauty Books!?)

And the expiration date on a jar of M'Asam day/night cream is '07!


To Sum up, I exercise, eat well (enough!), and now (at my age)



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Re: Why , Oh, Why?

[ Edited ]

I think the reason women spend so much money on skin care is they want to keep that young girl inside as long as they can.  Some days I look in the mirror and say to myself, where did she go? I know she's in there somewhere.  While I don't think I obsess about it,  there's something inside that shrinks away frome wrinkles and sagging.  Could it be that the more wrinkles and sagging we get the closer to the end of this life we feel we are getting?  I don't know....just wondering.

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@jubilant wrote:

I think the reason women spend so much money on skin care is they want to keep that young girl inside as long as they can.  Some days I look in the mirror and say to myself, where did she go? I know she's in their somewhere.  While I don't think I obsess about it,  there's something inside that shrinks away frome wrinkles and sagging.  Could it be that the more wrinkles and sagging we get the closer to the end of this life we feel we are getting?  I don't know....just wondering.

@jubilant, yes, yes, and yes. :-)

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Did any of your Grandmothers care. I don't recall my Grandmothers caring. They were happy too. They both lived to 80 and 89 respectively. We adored them and never thought of them as old. They were both born in 1900.
Posts: 25
Registered: ‎01-06-2018

Haha, if you have ever looked at ads from the 1800s and early 1900s, you wouldn’t ask if grandmothers cared - skincare and attempting to stay/appear young and/or beautiful is not a new thing. 


(And I absolutely remember my beautiful grandmother’s skincare regime and coating of cold cream when she would tuck me in and kiss me goodnight when I visited!)


Before I started using retinol, I took a before and then an after 6 months later of my eye area. It 100% worked.  Not all things do or for all people - but some do.


Lastly, while I am as vain as the next person, it isn’t just about that.  Dry skin, acne - these can be physically painful conditions that many want to alleviate.

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@TracB Thank you for mentioning that. I love reading beauty books from that era and one of the main tips was staying out of the sun and strong wind. They also had tons of recipes on making your own beauty products. How to use skincare. How to exercise,how to have good posture, how to use a corset. So they did care very much on what they looked like and what they used on their skin, as you mentioned it's not a new thing. How do people think how ponds and oil of olay came to be? I hear how that was the only thing the grandmothers used, but that was one of the things that was available over the counter if you didn't make your own.


Those who were interested in skincare back in the day would have loved the chance to try all the products available to us now.



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@ pook  PLEASE share how you got rid of jowels! thank you!

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I think Josie has a lot of wrinkles for her age...more than i do and I am way older, but I have jowels...sigh