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Re: When Did You Stop Breaking Out?

When I was in my teens, I thought it would be in my 20s.

When I was in my 20's I thought surely I'd be over breakouts in my 30's

When I was in my 30's I thought...hormones!

When I was in my 40's, I thought I'd have to wait till after I went thru menopause

I'm 57.  If left on it's own, my face would still be breaking out and does from time to time.

With the right products, I can keep it at bay most of the time. 

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Re: When Did You Stop Breaking Out?

I still break-out and I'm 65....however it's only when I eat certain artifically colored food (yellow dye, red dye) and Dove chocolate.  When I eat M&M's my face breaks out and when I eat Dove chocolate I get sores on my head.


Try eliminating these things from your diet and see if that helps.  Oh, and I make sure I use hypoallergenic make-up and creams on my face.


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Re: When Did You Stop Breaking Out?

Those of you who still break out, is your skin more youthful than your peers' skin?

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
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Posts: 666
Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Re: When Did You Stop Breaking Out?

I am 60 and I just went through a two week period of terrible breakouts. I don't understand, I can go months with an occasional zit and then my face will blow up with terrible bright red and purple acne. Most nights I try and decide if I want to fight wrinkles or pimples.

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

Re: When Did You Stop Breaking Out?

Only because I use fillers and botox, and lots of serums when I am not broke out.