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Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

[ Edited ]



I can relate to the genetics piece!  There are chubby genes on both sides of my family, I got both and fight my weight everyday of my life! Sometimes I win, sometimes not! My hair, well I fight frizz everyday except in the dead of winter and then I fight static!


So, I would say that we all have something! We all get up everyday and try to somehow make it work!


Sounds like you have some good things going, kudos especially for sunscreen, so many do not use it! Ultimately, it's not about gorgeous, it's about family, friends and simply sharing the things that might work!


Besides that, attitude is everything! No matter what we look like, in the end, we all end up sliding home looking pretty much the same! Smiley Very Happy



"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

I have 3:


>Mentholatum every night on my lips before bed.  No more split, cracked lips.


>Mentholatum on my feet after every shower.  (Separate Jar.  Smiley Very Happy  )


>Exfoliate in some form every day.  Ranges from mild to more vigorous depending on day and body part.  

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Posts: 484
Registered: ‎09-03-2010

Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

The best beauty advice I stumbled on by accident was the supplement Astaxanthin 12mg. I started taking it for inflammation due to my rheumatoid arthritis and TMJ. But the benefits for the skin outweighed everything. I have pictures of myself from last year and this year and I can honestly say my skin looks so supple and smooth and even toned. The benefits of Astaxanthin are amazing, just Google benefits of Astaxanthin.

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎08-01-2016

Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

[ Edited ]




Thanks for your kind responses!


I agree, there are much worse things in life. I have had a lot of struggles in my life and that has led me to value the simple things like having an awesome husband and friends, having a roof over my head, getting to enjoy simple things each day, etc. I also have OCD and hypochondria, and my MIL has been having an ongoing health crisis for several months. So that kind of puts things in perspective as well about what really matters.


But, I admit that I do get annoyed when I try something that worked for everyone else, thinking it will be the next big thing that will solve that problem, and it looks exactly the same as it did before, and now I am out the money. Of course there is always the "you are your own harshest critic" thing so maybe it's an example of that. I'm probably the only one who notices most of these things. And as you said, everyone does have something about their appearance that annoys them.


I do have to get that tooth checked out though since it is hurting.

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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

@Quinny wrote:

When I was a 21 year old wife and mother of a 10 month old baby, my husband and I didn't have 2 dimes to rub together.  One afternoon, an Avon lady rang my doorbell; I invited her in.  She showed me their newest catalog, I perused it with oohs and ahs, but  apologized for keeping her and told her I didn't have a cent to spend on anything outside of our strict budget.

She asked me what I used to clean my face, I told her Ivory soap. She asked me what I used to moisturize my face.  I was getting impatient by then and told her again that I could not afford a thing and moisturized my face with any kind of lotion I had around the house; then, baby lotion.  I started walking to the door.  She stopped, opened her huge makeup bag and pulled out a bottle of cleanser, a bottle of moisturizer and a jar of eye cream.  She told me they were a good match for my skin type and gave me a quick tutorial.  I said, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave ma'am, I don't have any money!"

 She said these 3 products were her gift to me; I only had to promise to use them faithfully.  If I did and saw a difference in my skin, she would come by in 3-4 months and sell me the items at 75% off.  She figured out how much money I would need to squirrel away each week to buy them at 75% off.  I thanked her and she left, promising she would not 'bother" me for the next few months.

I left the products on the table and went about my daily tasks.  That night, near bedtime, I picked up the products and thought, "what the heck" and began using them.  Within 3 weeks, I could tell a huge dfference in my skin!!  I finally told my husband about her visit and the deal she offered me.  He said we could start a change jar and see how much money we could come up with in the next couple of months.

When she rang my bell about 3-1/2 months later, I welcomed her in with open arms. She told me she could see a difference especially in the brightness of my skin.  She offered me her "deal", I happily gave her my "change" and she gave me a bag with the same three items and said she had to go.  When I looked in the bag, I found two tiny white tubes of lipstick too.  The same exchange occurred between us for the next 18 months and we became friends.  

My husband received a promotion which also involved a transfer.  I was sad to leave our city and very sad to move away from my Avon lady turned friend, Madeline.

I immediately found a new Avon lady in my new city and continue with the same regimen Madeline had started me on.  This time, with my husband's promotion, I proudly paid full price!

A few years later, we returned to visit some friends in our "old" city. I thought about Madeline and looked her up in the  Her daughter answered the phone and in the course of our "chat", she mentioned her Mother had passed away quite  suddenly from a very aggressive type of pancreatic cancer.  She died about 6 months before my call.

What a long story!  I felt the need to share Madeline's grace and goodness.  My best beauty tips from her were.

1. it's never too early to begin good skin care.

2. cleanse, moisturize and use eye cream EVERYDAY and

MOST IMPORTANTLY, to always reach out when you see the chance.  It is better to give than to receive, you will always have a smile and every woman looks beautiful when she smiles.

        What a nice story and  tribute to Madaline.  Your husband was also sweet to think

        of starting a change  jar so you could save towards you having some skin care.

        Not too many would really think that would be something that important.  Thank

        you for sharing.

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Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

Is there a certain brand that you use?

Super Contributor
Posts: 484
Registered: ‎09-03-2010

Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

I'm not sure if your asking me about the Astaxanthin, but if you are I use Sports Research High Potency Astaxanthin with Organic coconut oil. I buy it from Amazon ($24.95) you get 60 pills and only take 1 a day.A Amazon has the best price of anywhere I've found.

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Registered: ‎07-17-2010

Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

@shiloh 81 wrote:

The best beauty advice I stumbled on by accident was the supplement Astaxanthin 12mg. I started taking it for inflammation due to my rheumatoid arthritis and TMJ. But the benefits for the skin outweighed everything. I have pictures of myself from last year and this year and I can honestly say my skin looks so supple and smooth and even toned. The benefits of Astaxanthin are amazing, just Google benefits of Astaxanthin.

@shiloh 81


Thanks for the heads-up on this!!  I will be looking into it and hopefully trying it.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

Wear sunscreen

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,296
Registered: ‎09-18-2010

Re: What's the best "beauty" tip/advice you've ever gotten?

I am not sure what the best advice is, but last week I saw a plastic surgeon for facial filler. She was wonderful, and she asked me what I kind of activities I did outside, as she could tell my chest was getting some sun. And she told me I really should use a sunblock there, or I would regret it later. I have been using sunblock on my face, on my arms and somehow, just didn't think about my chest.

I appreciated the advice.