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What beauty face "gadget" have you bought and.........

Have honestly seen results. Which one was a "waste" of time and money.......
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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

I have spent so much money on ""gadgets"".......and get tired of using them so they end up in my ""beauty gadgets"" grave yard! I have finally gotten smart and don't fall for all the marketing hype.
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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

Facial Flex ... wouldn't be without it.

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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

Digging in the device graveyard drawer......will post back......
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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

I like my Clarisonic very much. I'm looking into replacing it with a Foreo Luna or Mini device, since those don't need replacement heads and hold a charge much longer.

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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

I bought something called a Bruer Softlaser one time and used it faithfully for months with zero results. It was basically a red light pointer. I won't buy another home laser of any kind.

My opinion (which means nothing LOL) is that anything like that approved by the FDA for home use has to be pretty weak because they don't want people injuring themselves and the resultant lawsuits. You cannot trust a lot of people to properly follow directions.

If something is supposed to be used at home 3 times a week for 20 minutes, you know people will double or even triple that to speed up their results. I did it myself and still no results and believe me, I wanted to see them. They just were not there.

Something really strong enough to give real results is going to be done in the hands of a doctor and even that is no guarantee. I was looking up reviews for Ultherapy online the other night and there were plenty of reviews from people who paid a thousand or more for a session and got zero results.

Or even worse, with some lasers like Thermage or IPL, people experienced awful damage, such as loss of facial fat and dimpling. I can just imagine the damage people would do to themselves at home with a strong laser.

Now I can't speak as to electro current, I've never used those, either at home or in a salon. They say the results are good but you have to keep doing it.

PS - wanted to add, I have had good results in the doctor's office with lasers for broken capillaries. They did a very good job. The problem is they do come back over time but those kinds of lasers do work very well.

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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

I'm just not interested in any beauty gadgets so I have not purchased nuface. I sent back my clarisonic. I didn't see any results. When I switched my skincare is when I saw results.
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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

I really like my Clarisonic. I feel that I have gotten very good results from using it nightly.

The product that I feel ashamed to admit that I ever bought into was the Facial Flex. What a bunch of hype. I struggled through using that crazy gadget for over a year and eventually just threw it into the drawer.

Like the poster above, I have put a stop to buying into beauty gadgets. I still take good care of my skin but I won't be fooled into the thinking that any gadget can take years off of your face.

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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

I've never been a gadget girl, but....I did try the Clarisonic. I am one of those unique people that has terrible skin while using the Clarisonic...yes I tried it every which way imaginable and my skin was terribly broken out while I was trying to get the benefits of the Clarisonic.

I gave up and gave it away. I've now gone back to basics, really stripped down my skin care routine and my skin is thanking me for it by looking the best it's been in over 15 years.

The only beauty gadget I'll ever try again is one that can do double duty and make me breakfast every morning. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: What beauty face ""gadget"" have you bought and.........

I love my Clarisonic, lightstim and EGG, I use the first two daily but the egg I haven't used in a few weeks. I do use all my gadgets though.