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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

3 kids over here! 1 black kitty and 2 rescue pups. One 13yr old black lab/whippet mix and one 3yr old boykin spaniel/border collie mix. Have had the 13yr old since she was a rescue pup but adopted my 3yr old on his first birthday! He was severely abused as a pup and it showed but he's gone strides since then. Sasha, the 13yr old, was named by the rescue after 2004 Olympian figure skater Sasha Cohen (Sasha Cohen was only 16 at the time and was the smallest female and my Sasha was the runt of the litter!) Phantom, my 3yr old, was named after Phantom of the Opera (half white/black faces and his really cool markings on his face). My babies {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

CaitlinH, that was wonderful of you to adopt a dog that had been so badly abused. You wouldn't know it by your photo though. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Your two doggies look like they are having a grand old time sprawled out on the sofaSmiley Happy

-- bebe {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

On 7/9/2014 Andreatoo said: unfortunately I got the answer to my own question :-(. Apparently it takes less than 4 days! My bf called me at work to tell me Fiona had a seizure. I'm not in a rush to get her back on them though unless of course she's having seizures regularly

I'm really sorry her seizures came back and so quickly. My BFF had a dog for many years that was on daily seizure medication.

Caitlin, your pups are adorable. And what great rescue stories!

My poor kitty Mr Jackson ( the shorthaired black one) has been tormented by the neighborhood 4th of July fireworks ( that went on for nearly a week here) to the point that he was vomiting his before bed snack for days. They've stopped now, but I'm going to get him a thundershirt because he's sensitive anyway, and my husband reminded me the fireworks will be back by New Years anyway. I wish I'd thought about the thundershirt before the holiday.

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

On 7/9/2014 bebe777 said:

CaitlinH, that was wonderful of you to adopt a dog that had been so badly abused. You wouldn't know it by your photo though. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Your two doggies look like they are having a grand old time sprawled out on the sofaSmiley Happy

-- bebe {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Bebe- That would be the "dog couch" aka no humans aloud. LOL {}

I've always been a big believer in "adopt don't shop" and if I can help out a harmless animal as well as a non-profit rescue then it's a win-win. Plus rescue animals tend to come fixed, updated with all shots and now even microchips. It's just a good feeling knowing that you helped out a great cause. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Jaxsmom- my 3yr old pup has a tremendous fear of loud noise (thunder, fireworks, yelling). The last time I went away and hired someone on, the woman had a thundershirt and she actually sent me a video of him during a thunderstorm with it on and he was sleeping like a baby (normally he'd be running around, panting, crying, etc). So they work wonderfully, although dogs are easier to put "clothes" on than cats. I'd slowly get your Jackson used to it if he isn't used to those sort of things. I'd recommend the cat relaxing pills too that you can get from your vet. My 3yr old pup has been on them for longer road trips and other days when I just know he'll need them to relax (if that is your Jackson is OK to take medications like that).

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

Thanks Caitlin, I'm hoping to avoid having to medicate him. Thanks for posting your experience with the thundershirt!

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

My little Lou, the chihuahua, is still loving his RTM. He's always had doggy dandruff and now it's almost all gone. His coat is so soft. He still comes right over for a spray when I take it out. I have to get more because I'm starting to feel guilty if I use some for myself or the girls. Emma, the bichon, says Lou can use it all ;-)
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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

I'm so glad I found this thread so I can show off my Wen baby, Chloe. She's a wen baby too and her itches are gone. Yippie. My little weiner dog. I love her soooo much. Thanks Chaz. Smiley Happy
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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

My furry friends are 4 rescue Golden Retrievers. All of them were given up by their original owners and 2 lived in absolutely horrid conditions. One was a puppy mill dog,raised by an Amish farmer,who only used her to make $$$ by breeding her for puppies all the time. Caged in a barn,she had no human contact/ affection. One day she would no longer take care of her puppies. He told rescue to take her or he would drown her. Yes,wonderful Amish farmer. Resvue did rehab and now she's a great dog. Other one was owned by a hoarder who had 24 dogs,living under the house. No food,no shots,no human contact. At least she didn't know the abuse of the other. She still is leery of humans and her epilepsy makes her life harder. Other two were ok.... Anyway,love them to pieces and can't imagine life without them. Anyone else?
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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

On 8/30/2014 maggie568 said: I'm so glad I found this thread so I can show off my Wen baby, Chloe. She's a wen baby too and her itches are gone. Yippie. My little weiner dog. I love her soooo much. Thanks Chaz. Smiley Happy

maggie, welcome to the Wen forum!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

jaxs mom started this thread after she adopted a wenderful little dog named Mimi. You can read all about Mimi on her Rescue pup got a Wen bath thread which includes lots of great photos of Mimi.

Both of these links can be found on the Wen FAQ - key Wen links and Wen 101 threads.

Chaz loves dogs and his dogs are often included in the Wen presentations. And so many Wenners have four legger friends of their own. I love reading this thread as well.

-- bebe - Wen FAQ - key Wen links -- Wen 101 -- tips from Chaz Dean Studio

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Re: Wenner's share about your fur babies ( feathered, finned and scaled too)

We need more pics here!

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