I'm really interested in hearing how each of us finally decided to start using Wen. Arianny asked me this question in a different thread, so all the credit goes to her for what I think is a really great question.
Here's my Wen backstory...
I've been using Wen since I finally broke down and bought the December 2010 TSV. I had probably been watching Chaz's shows off and on for 3-4 years before that. Back in maybe 2006, I was watching QVC and I decided to go with either Wen or Ojon. After watching many shows, I finally went with Ojon because I just couldn't quite understand this cleansing conditioner concept. So I just stayed with what I knew. Ojon was so much better than anything else I had ever used that it took me another 3-4 years to try out Wen. I just knew I was going to return it... but I never did. 
While there was a learning curve with Wen, from my very first cleanse Wen kicked Ojon's tail. I knew I was never going back. After my very first Wen cleanse, I has soft and luxurious hair. I couldn't stop running my fingers through my hair for 3-4 months. Really!! Two years later I gave all my Ojon products to a good friend who loves Ojon. And I gave the rest of my shampoo to my mom who thought she had hit the jackpot. They were happy, and I was happy.
Everyone was happy.
Once I started using Wen, my biggest dilemma was how little CC to use. I have thin/fine shoulder length hair and my very first cleanse took a solid 10 minutes to rinse out. Over a period of 3-4 months I slowly reduced the number of pumps I used (from a 16 oz. bottle). I actually found that I could "get by" with 2 pumps for a quick cleanse but, generally, I use between 5-9 total pumps for cleansing (split between two cleanses -- rinse & repeat). I'm not going to recommend that for everyone, but a number of people who have thin/fine hair do use a lot less CC. -- As I've mentioned before... the rule is that there are no hard and fast rules. 
Below are some of the results I saw once I stopped using shampoo and started using Wen:
* no more split ends -- none!
* no static electricity hair
* really reduced flyaways
* reduced frizz
* healthy hair with body, shine and lustre -- literally, for the first four months after using Wen, I couldn't stop touching my hair.
* my scalp is healthy -- it even feels healthy
* the hair at the base of my scalp now has natural lift to it (even if I'm only using the CC, and not the SC or the mousse)
* the thickness of the end of my hair is almost the same as the thickness at the scalp
* my hair always grew at a snails pace, and now it is growing over 1 inch per month.
* my scalp used to become a greasy oil slick within 18 hours of cleansing. These days I can go 3-4 days between cleanses.
* my hair color went from a mousy light brown to a deep chestnut darker brown (like the former Wen model, Anna Fox). The change was so evident that people regularly commented on it. It looked as though I had bleached my hair and was growing the damaged hair out. I don't use any chemical processes on my hair and I never blow dry it... though, occasionally, I will dry it in front of a portable fan. *s*
About a year and a half after switching to Wen, I had to go back to using Ojon for close to a year due to three consecutive surgeries. I couldn't use Wen because its essential oils could play havoc with my healing incisions.
I went back to using Ojon and my hair reverted to its pre-Wen state: split ends, frizzies, oily scalp, bleached-look & dry hair, etc.
-- That said, I was mending from multiple surgeries so I had other more pressing concerns... still, I was really unhappy about the unhealthy state of my hair.
Once I was was given the go ahead to use Wen again, my hair bounced back into shape. It took over a year for the last of the redamaged hair to grow out, but these days I have a full and healthy head of Wen hair.
It's been smooth sailing since then!!!
-- bebe