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Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

I am still using these Belabe twisting things I bought some years ago, but I never really do a great job. Is there anything out there worth trying?

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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

Mindy, honestly, I've just been shaving mine off as needed for the last 40 yrs without any problems whatsoever, and I used to have thick, black hair (my hair is white now). The hair never grew in coarser, nor did I ever have "five o'clock shadow" nor did I ever have to deal with stinky, burning hair removers. Really, just try a razor. You have nothing to lose - but hair Smiley Happy
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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

Have you tried threading? There seem to be lots of salons that offer this service; have seen kiosks at malls too.

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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

I really like the Olay hair remover, but I've been known to use a razor/electric razor as well.

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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

Good morning!! I'm a big fan of the Olay product. It's about $19 at Walmart and works great. It's extremely gentle and does an excellent job. There are two kinds, I switched to the one for coarse hair even though mine's not really coarse at all. I think it just does a better job. You swipe on a skin protectant first (comes in the package) then brush on the hair remover and wait a few minutes. It's magic! Try it, you'll like it.

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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

I use a man's norelco electric razor each morning on my upper lip. I had tried everything and am most satisfied with this solution. I also use that razor to shave my legs. A ladies razor does not do the job for me for some reason but a man's electric does very well. Each morning before i get in the shower i do the upper lip - takes about 5 seconds. Even when I ;look with my 10x magnified mirror there is nothing there after shaving.

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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

On 5/23/2014 Angie127 said:

I really like the Olay hair remover, but I've been known to use a razor/electric razor as well.

Basically the same thing.
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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

I use the Sally Hansen warm wax that comes in a jar with its own warmer. I know it sounds harsh, but it's very gentle if used correctly. I heat the wax just until it's creamy (not clear--that's too hot). Spread it on with the popsicle-type stick they give you, wait just a few seconds until you can press it, and remove fast while holding your skin with the other hand.

No redness, no irritation, and a much closer job than a razor. I do the area under my lower lip too. No one can see the hair, but I can feel it when I run my upper lip over it, I love when it feels smooth! Harsh sounding, I know, but if you hold your skin with your other hand (very important) it's just as gentle as shaving and lasts longer.

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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

I like fuzz off by bliss!
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Re: Want Something Gentle to Remove Hair Above Lip

Hair Off Facial Buffer. Around $5 at Exfoliates too.