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Registered: ‎07-24-2012
Chaz said he will be filming the Wen 4 infomercial. Yay!!! I can't wait to see it when it comes out.
Smiley Happy Hilary
Wen girl for 10 years!!
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Registered: ‎06-13-2012
On 2/4/2014 Kjelle said:

Glad to see Chaz is back mid-March. Maybe we'll get the big remoist then.

I hope so! I am getting ready to try something else if it doesn't come soon.

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Registered: ‎07-24-2012
My husband has been using Wen for several weeks now. He always told me that shampoo was just as good. That is before he started using Wen. He is going on a trip for work. He asked me of I would fix him a travel bottle of Wen to take on his trip, lol! I think this is so funny that he didn't want to take shampoo after all that time telling me that shampoo was just as good as Wen. He uses Wen everyday now and also loves the styling creme. He has very short hair, but it is a lot softer and shinier now.
Smiley Happy Hilary
Wen girl for 10 years!!
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Registered: ‎10-01-2012
I'm very excited that my spring orange blossom will ship out on or about the 12th, but until then, I'm going through serious WEN withdrawal!
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